Hi! I'm SpiritWolf1471 (Just call me Spirit or Wolfy ^^) I live on a farm in the south island of NEW ZEALAND! I'm into drawing & Do a lot of drawings of animals mainly, I also love PE, DTG ( digital technology), History, Motorbikes, PC's, Exploring, Music, Reading. I was born on July the 18th, My favorite color is 'Blue' or 'Bright green' (I like to call it Highlight green CX), I love the rain & Snow. I've currently got 4 pets, a 13 year old BIG FAT tabby tom (Tom = Male cat) His name is Jack, I've had him basically all my life, I really don't know what i would do without him sometimes, I can tell him everything and he just listen, and makes me feel bitter whenever i'm sad. Jack also thinks he's top dog (Even thought hes a cat) he act as if hes boss and what he says gos, He tells the dogs off (2 dogs at home but ones my pet & the other's my dads). I've also got a 2 year old puppy, Named Cozmo! its is spelt with a Z for Zoom XD Cozmo is a Collie X Shepard, but when you look of him you don't really think that, hes got that red collie coat with the black patches of a Shepard, Cozmo has more energy then he knows what to do with, Cozmo just loves to play, No matter how cold it get down here he just wants to get up and go! He cant sit or stand still for more then a second lol. My other two pets, Are Lucky & Holly, the are both female sheep, I've had them since they were little little Lambs <3 THEY ARE NOT FOR EATING BTW , Lucky is about 4-5 years old (Cant remember if its 4 or 5 sorry cx), and Holly is 2-3 years old. When you look at them Lucky is the shorter but fatter one & Holly the taller thinner one, But they are both white so unless you kinda know them its hard to tell them apart, Lucky like to be around people and is not afraid of anything, not even dogs, Holly is a little more scared of things but she loves getting huges from me and my family. If there is anything more you want to know, Just ask me i will tell you ALSO anything