Our new dog Phoebe is great, except for her habit of jumping on me when I walk in the door. I need help getting her to stop, she is way too big and her jumping leaves me covered in scratches, bruises and sometimes even cuts. I've tried the "be a tree" method where I cross my arms and stand still. While I wish I could do this until she gives up jumping she ends up hurting me too much. I've tried turning my back to her which also results in lots of scratched on my back. We are in obidience school right now and the trainer suggested I put her in a sit. She does listen and will go into a sit when I tell her to, but then the second I try to give her attention she jumps on me. I wish I had the patience to continue to repeat this until she realizes she needs to stop jumping however she is almost as big as I am and much stronger. Do I just have to deal with the pain? Right now when I get home I've just been turning my back to her until I can't take it anymore then she jumps on me until I make it to the back door so I can let her out. Then she stays there for about a half hour until I'm ready to take her out for a walk. Then when we get back from our walk she's calm and doesn't jump anymore.