I had a slight senior moment yesterday. I let Smokey & Maggie come along on a trip to the grocery yesterday.
They both love car rides & the summer heat has finally gone to they are back traveling with me when possible. I was
unloading the bags from the car when a neighbor stopped me to ask a question. Yak yak yak, and I continued taking
stuff up to the house.Three trips later & I looked around & didn't see Maggie anywhere. I began calling her. No answer
and no Maggie.

I went back to the garage to lock up & also make sure she wasn't into something in there, and there she was.
Still sitting patently waiting in the front passenger seat to be let out. I forget to let her out after Smokey got out
when I did, from the drivers seat. She is such a good girl, didn't bark, didn't complain, just waited for her silly mama.