Sleepy baby Towser. This was the day I met my little turd munch for the first time. I tell him all the time "When I first met you, you were smaller than what your head is now!" I'll never forget that day. I sat down on the floor in the living room of his rescuers house, watching six little 4 week old puppies meander about. He was the first to stumble up to me and I felt an instant connection. I always wondered if one could feel a connection with such a young puppy, but it was obvious he picked me. Or rather, I think a certain RB dog had something to do with it. It is uncanny how much Towser's personality is like Frisk's. Frisk has been gone 5 years now, and on the 29th of this month would have been his 13th birthday. I don't know if I can explain it well, but when I met Towser it felt like I was reunited with someone I had been looking for... like we had already met.

Now look at my baby... all grown up!

I came home from work to find my mom had baked Towser a cake for his birthday. I really do think he's her favorite grandkid. Unfortunately, our celebrations we had planned for him had to be toned down. My mum accidently shut Towser's foot in a door this evening and it seems to be hurting him quite a bit. So tonight I'm keeping him calm and making sure he stays off it. We'll see how it looks in the morning and go from there. I think he is soaking up the extra pampering, because every time he sees my mum walk by he will hold up his hurt paw and just stare at her with the saddest face. Its really making my mum feel so terrible!
We have rescheduled his party plans to take place this weekend.

Gosh, I could go on all day talking about this dog. He is seriously the love of my life. I'll save all that chatter for another day, I've been going since 2am this morning, so its time to curl up with the birthday puppy and continue our Halloween tradition of watching Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Happy 1st Birthday, Towser!!