Howdy. This seems like such a negative topic with which to come back from the abyss, but this is what's on my mind.

How do people survive let alone succeed? I'm about $350 short this month, and I thought I had been so careful. My best friend (who now lies in Texas and no longer Arizona) encourage me to contact those I could not pay ahead of time and make some arrangements. These four will make the difference.

I have some money coming in but it will be in pieces. About 125 extra with my paycheck; about 900 from my last IRA and might be paid in 3 to 4 weeks; and the insurance settlement for the robbery. I have almost 1100 in stolen items with a $500 deductible but have not heard from claims yet. I've never made a claim in 20 years of paying for the policy. I have no clue how this goes.

So how do they or you live? I'm not asking anyone to give away any personal information, but this is crazy.

FYI, I' still working part-time but need to work extra just to make ends meet. Regular pay meets monthly bills but foods, but extras such as yearly payments need to be earned with additional work. And being sick, too, adds to the bills.

With Love.