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Thread: How to convince my parents to get another dog?

  1. #1

    How to convince my parents to get another dog?

    Hi! It's a week until my birthday and I want a new German shepherd puppy so bad. We already have a shep and a mini schnauzer, but the schnauzer is old and about to pass and the shep is my moms, who never trained him so he's wild and can't go on walks and such, and sleeps in her room. I want a puppy of my own, that I will actually train and take everywhere with me... She keeps saying "We already have a dog!" And I'm like " have a dog that no one can do anything with..." So I need some help here. How do I get them to agree? Thanks!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Aww, I would not pressure your parents right now, but look up dogs in shelters near you, and check pet and see if there are any shepherds in rescue you could show them. But before a nw puppy comes into the mix, how old is your mother's dog? How old are you? Will you be going off to college in a few years? And if you mother's dog is untrained, bringing a puppy into the household is certainly not going to make it any better!

    Besides these issues, can you take on more responsibility around the house to show them you could care for a puppy? Can you try working with you mom's dog at all?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    can you take on more responsibility around the house to show them you could care for a puppy? Can you try working with you mom's dog at all?
    I agree with Karen. Work with your mom's dog. See how much you can get done by your next birthday, and maybe by then they will be ready to consider it! And your mom's dog may bond with you
    Owned by my baby and heart-dog Lolli.

    If each pet we love takes a part of our heart and replaces it with a part of theirs, my heart is a very strange collection of pieces, but I wouldn't have it any other way

    Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go, and then do it. --Ann Landers

  4. I agree with what Karen said as well. an maybe... try starting smaller? as a friend of mine wanted a dog really bad but her parents kept saying no. so she asked for a goldfish one day. after 3months she said look,, i can keep a fish healthy an alive,, i could a dog too. they caved an let her chose a dog from a shelter


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