Quote Originally Posted by Roxyluvsme13 View Post
I would do something about it because if Mikey did something to the other dog (in defense obviously), then it wouldn't matter that the other dog was aggressive, they would probably place the blame on him. We had an aggressive dog once (ages ago) and the situation was not pretty when he ended up biting someone. So, I think it'd be best to call AC and see if there is anything they can do. You don't want Mikey to get hurt or the little ankle biter to end up bleeding.
My thoughts too. You need to do something. If talking to the owner isn't working, you NEED to get someone else involved. This dog is trespassing and is a danger to your dog, and probably yourself too if they ever really got into it and you try to break them up. You can call AC on him without even bringing up your pet, just say "This dog is running around loose with no owner and has come onto my property more than once." And call them to report it EVERY TIME it happens.

Just a curious thought though, why isn't he registered? Too many pets for your county or just not up-to-date on vaccines? Not sure how things work outside my bubble... here, you register them when they get their rabies vaccine and the vet who admins the vaccine sends in the paperwork. However, there is a 3 pet per household limit (by law) so IF someone were to report me I COULD get in trouble...