As you may know, I'm on Facebook for many years, and I have always written in English. When I registered in 2008, almost all of my FB friends were from English speaking countries; Pet Talk folks and other friends I made on the net over the years. There were barely Germans on Facebook those years, as most of us were in a German social network called I used to have an account there where I was communicating with my German friends - in German, of course.

Over the past few years, more and more of these German friends moved to Facebook and abandoned wer-kennt-wen (I deleted my own wkw-account sometime in 2012), and by now, my friend list on Facebook is half German, half English-spoken. I'm still writing in English most of the time because I want everyone to understand what I'm taking about. I took for granted that most Germans know at least the basics of the English language, but obviously, I'm wrong. Lately, I got some stupid remarks by some folks who really seem to be offended that I'm not using my native language, which annoys me. Is it rude of me to make them feel excluded? What do you think?