See for pictures and the story on Tab. As I write this, he's at the vet, but I'm going to have to bring him home tomorrow. Finding a home for an FIV+ cat is impossible; it's hard enough with an FIV- cat. Even shelters that may accept FIV+ cats are full. I'm going to have to bring him into my household of healthy, FIV- cats. Tab's only problem at the moment is that he needs dental surgery, and the vet can't do it till after the new year. I doubt very much my cats will fight with Tab (I'll start out with him in a cage in my house), but it'll be impossible to keep him from drinking the water I must keep out for my 5 cats, even if I'm able to feed them separately, which I'm not sure I can do. Besides, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he gets into grooming sessions with some of my present cats. All my cats are up-to-date on their vaccinations, and I've heard that helps, plus, they are all indoors-only cats as he will be. Does anyone have experience with this? I will appreciate any advice - THANKS!