My son is clueless. Technically he is my step son but I don't think of him that way. I am well aware he thinks of me only as his dad's wife. I hold no grudge towards him for that and hope one day he realizes I was his biggest cheerleader. He held out belief that his absent mom was the best thing in the world and she prooved him wrong when she pulled some stuff this past year. He now calls her by her first name and has pure only anger towards her.

Well, on Mother's Day, he posted on his Facebook page a "Happy Mother's Day" post that listed all the amazing mom's he had in his life.... listing his own mom, grandmom, aunt, etc. And left me out. I didn't care one bit but it HURT my husband. He's still deeply hurt days later. They haven't spoken since hubby hung up on him Sunday morning. Its odd not hearing his phone beep with a text from "the boy" every ten minutes or ring with the hourly call to say, "did you see that _______ (fill in the blank on any given sports moment)?"

Personally, I hold no illusions as to how he or Ashley feel about me. If I get simmering resent as opposed to ranging anger from Ash, I consider it a good day The youngest is the one who let me into her heart and I would be soooooo very hurt if she posted what her brother posted. But I simply don't care what he said. It actually surprises me how much it DOESN'T bother me. I would think it would have hurt even a little. Nope. Not a blip on the radar. I simply don't care. I was pushed away too many times from him and Ashley to know to expect anything else.

But I am sad at how its hit hubby. He keeps bringing it up and I keep telling him I'm not hurt. I don't know how to convince him it is ok and to let it go.