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Thread: Garden dangers - grumpy cat!

  1. #1

    Garden dangers - grumpy cat!

    Hi all,
    My 12 year old moggie Cosmo is used to going outside when I'm at home in the morning before work and the evening after.
    He's a real scaredy cat, and very stuck in his ways, anything out of his routine upsets him.
    My nextdoor neighbour just moved out after 40 years, leaving a very overgrown garden - it was a cat paradise! Her landlord has hired people to clear the garden including removing an old greenhouse by smashing it.
    I don't feel it's right to let Cosmo out, he's bound to investigate the changes and would likely be injured. But he's being a real pain wanting to go out, as per his usual routine.
    Any ideas to save my sanity - other than not going home until after "coming in time" around 8:30?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Earplugs for you, and new toys to distract him and engage him in playtime safely inside for the time being! I recently read a cat behavior book, and it pointed out that people end up with "problem" cats because cats are by nature far more persistent and patient than people. You have to out-stubborn him!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Thanks Karen,

    A few minutes every day with the laser pen followed by a couple of rounds of "chasing things on the stairs" seems to be making him a bit happier.

    Perfect solution, bar of chocolate for me and he gets to chase the screwed up paper wrapper!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by 1196rachel View Post
    Thanks Karen,

    A few minutes every day with the laser pen followed by a couple of rounds of "chasing things on the stairs" seems to be making him a bit happier.

    Perfect solution, bar of chocolate for me and he gets to chase the screwed up paper wrapper!
    Sounds perfect for both of you! Cats are prone to enjoying the wrapping more than any fancy toys, anyway!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    You are so fortunate that your kitty responded to the changes in routine so easily. When we transitioned our "found" Siamese into an indoor only cat (after she had been outside for 4 years via the previous owners of the house who subsequently "abandoned her"...) it took quite some time. In fact, had it not been for Feliway + the Catit Cat Spa...don't know if we would have made it! Helping Families & Felines Communicate...One Meow At A Time!

  6. #6
    Fortunately for us, it was only a temporary change and now Cosmo is able to go out in his garden again. He's very pleased to have finally persuaded me back to his previous routine ;-) How silly of me to forget what I was supposed to be doing!


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