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Thread: Wheat Belly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Wheat Belly

    I don't know how true this lot is, but it makes sense to me.

    Triticum Fever, by Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly

    Quick:.....Name a common food, consumed every day by most people, that:

    • Increases overall calorie consumption by 400 calories per day
    • Affects the human brain in much the same way as morphine
    • Has a greater impact on blood sugar levels than a candy bar
    • Is consumed at the rate of 133 pounds per person per year
    • Has been associated with increased Type 1 Diabetes
    • Increases both insulin resistance and leptin resistance, conditions that lead to obesity
    • Is the only common food with its own mortality rate

    If you guessed sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, you're on the right track, but, no, that's not the correct answer.
    The true culprit: Triticum aestivum, or modern wheat.
    Note that I said "modern" wheat, because I would argue that what we are being sold today in the form of whole grain bread, raisin bagels, blueberry muffins, pizza, ciabatta, bruschetta, and so on is not the same grain our grandparents grew up on. It's not even close.
    Modern wheat is the altered offspring of thousands of genetic manipulations, crude and sometimes bizarre techniques that pre-date the age of genetic modification. The result: a high-yield, 2-foot tall "semi-dwarf" plant that no more resembles the wheat consumed by our ancestors than a chimpanzee (which shares 99% of the same genes that we do) resembles a human. I trust that you can tell the difference that 1% makes.
    The obvious outward differences are accompanied by biochemical differences. The gluten proteins in modern wheat, for instance, differ from the gluten proteins found in wheat as recently as 1960. This likely explains why the incidence of celiac disease, the devastating intestinal condition caused by gluten, has quadrupled in the past 40 years. Furthermore, a whole range of inflammatory diseases, from rheumatoid arthritis to inflammatory bowel disease, are also on the rise. Humans haven't changed -- but the wheat we consume has changed considerably.

    Wheat Bellies

    You've heard of "beer bellies," the protuberant, sagging abdomen of someone who drinks beer to excess. That distinctive look is often attributed to alcohol consumption when in fact it's just as likely to be caused by the pretzels -- not just the beer -- you're downing after work. A wheat belly is a protuberant, sagging abdomen that develops when you overindulge in wheat products like crackers, breads, waffles, pancakes, breakfast cereals and pasta. Dimpled or smooth, hairy or hairless, tense or flaccid, wheat bellies come in as many shapes, colors, and sizes as there are humans. But millions of Americans have a wheat belly, and the underlying metabolic reasons for having one are all the same. Wheat contains a type of sugar called amylopectin A that raises blood sugar in an extravagant fashion. Eating just two slices of whole wheat bread, can raise blood sugar more than two tablespoons of pure sugar. This leads to the accumulation of visceral fat on the body, the deep fat encircling organs that is a hotbed of inflammatory activity. Inflammation, in turn, leads to hypertension, heart disease, cancer, and other conditions.
    Wheat-consuming people are fatter than those who don't eat wheat. Why? Among the changes introduced into this plant is a re-engineered form of the gliadin protein unique to wheat. Gliadin has been increased in quantity and changed in structure, such that it serves as a powerful appetite stimulant. When you eat wheat, you want more wheat and in fact want more of everything else -- to the tune of 400 more calories per day. That's the equivalent of 41.7 pounds per year, an overwhelming potential weight gain that accumulates inexorably despite people's efforts to exercise longer and curtail other foods -- all the while blaming themselves for their lack of discipline and watching the scale climb higher and higher, and their bellies growing bigger and bigger.
    All of which leads me to conclude that over-enthusiastic wheat consumption is not only one cause of obesity in this country, it is the leading cause of the obesity and diabetes crisis in the United States. It's a big part of the reason that reality shows like the Biggest Loser are never at a loss for contestants. It explains why modern athletes, like baseball players and golfers, are fatter than ever. Blame wheat when you are being crushed in your 2 x 2 airline seat by the 280-pound man occupying the seat next to yours.
    Sure, sugary soft drinks and sedentary lifestyles add to the problem. But for the great majority of health conscious people who don't indulge in these obvious poor choices, the principal trigger for weight gain is wheat.
    And wheat consumption is about more than just weight. There are also components of modern wheat that lead to diabetes, heart disease, neurologic impairment -- including dementia and incontinence -- and myriad skin conditions that range from acne to gangrene -- all buried in that innocent-looking bagel you had for breakfast.
    Despite the potential downside of a diet so laden with wheat products, we continually bombarded with messages to eat more of this grain. The Department of Health and Human Services and the USDA, for instance, through their Dietary Guidelines for Americans, advocate a diet dominated by grains (the widest part of the Food Pyramid, the largest portion of the Food Plate). The American Dietetic Association, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, along with the Grain Foods Foundation, the Whole Grains Council, and assorted other agriculture and food industry trade groups all agree: Everyone should eat more healthy whole grains. This includes our children, who are being told to do such things as replace fast food with grains. These agencies were originally sidetracked by the "cut your fat and cholesterol" movement, which led to a wholesale embrace of all things carbohydrate, but especially "healthy whole grains." Unwittingly, they were advising increased consumption of this two-foot tall creation of the geneticists, high-yield semi-dwarf wheat.
    This message to eat more "healthy whole grains" has, I believe, crippled Americans, triggering a helpless cycle of satiety and hunger, stimulating appetite by 400 calories per day and substantially contributing to the epidemic of obesity and diabetes. And, oh yes, adding to the double-digit-per-year revenue growth of the diabetes drug industry, not to mention increased revenues for drugs for hypertension, cholesterol, and arthritis.
    It is therefore my contention that eliminating all wheat from the diet is a good idea not just for people with gluten sensitivity; it's a smart decision for everybody. I have experience in my heart disease prevention practice, as well as my online program for heart disease prevention and reversal, with several thousand people who have done just that and the results are nothing short of astounding. Weight loss of 30, 50, even 70 pounds or more within the first six months; reversal of diabetes and pre-diabetic conditions; relief from edema, sinus congestion, and asthma; disappearance of acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms; increased energy, happier mood, better sleep. People feel better, look better, eat fewer calories, feel less hungry, are able to discontinue use of many medications -- just by eliminating one food from their diet -- ironically a food that they've been told to eat more of.
    It is imperative that we break our reliance on wheat. It will require nothing less than an overthrow of conventional nutritional dogma. There will be battles fought to preserve the status quo; the wheat industry and its supporters will scream, yell, and claw to maintain their position, much as the tobacco industry and its lobbyists fought to maintain their hold on consumers.
    If the health benefits of a wheat-free diet sound hard to believe, why not conduct your own little experiment and see for yourself: simply eliminate all things made of wheat for four weeks -- no bread, bagels, pizza, pretzels, rolls, donuts, breakfast cereals, pancakes, waffles, pasta, noodles, or processed foods containing wheat (and do be careful to read labels, as food manufacturers love to slip a little wheat gliadin into your food every chance they get to stimulate your appetite). That's a lot to cut out, true, but there's still plenty of real, nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, fruit, nuts, cheese and dairy products, meat, fish, soy foods, legumes, oils like olive oil, avocados, even dark chocolate that you can eat in their place. If after that 4-week period you discover new mental clarity, better sleep, relief from joint pain, happier intestines, and a looser waistband, you will have your answer.

    "I'm Back !!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Old Line State
    Geezy peezy...

  3. #3
    Snake oil, coming from a salesman of the aforementioned product.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    Snake oil, coming from a salesman of the aforementioned product.

    "I'm Back !!"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Seems like the old "pick something everyone eats and convince them it's the cause of all their troubles" tactic of charlatans.

    The science is clear and well proven. No particular food causes weight gain - the number of calories a person ingests as compared to the number of calories they burn does. The reason people always used to say "beer belly" is folks would drink a lot and forget that beer has calories - or not care, and therefore gain weight! Hence the advent of "light" beer, though I do not and have not drunk either kind, so you need not lecture me on the demerits of "lite beer."
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
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    Aug 2005
    Carbohydrates should take up about 50-60% of a persons diet. (This does include fruits and veggies) 30% should be from fats and 12% should be proteins. I agree you should limit, even eliminate, foods such as pretzles, donuts, white breads- anything that is a simple sugar. Whole wheats are a very important part of our diet! They do NOT increase your risk for any diseases. They prevent them! Carbohydrates are your body's preferred source of fuel to power everyday activities... Complex carbs REDUCE risk of diabetes and diseases of the digestive tract. Goes to show how people can believe things that a well spoken person tells you.


  7. #7
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    Jun 2004
    Too bad I can't stand most grain products at all and I rarely buy them. Just going down the cookie or cracker aisle in the grocery store makes me sick. I don't like bread and I don't like cereal and I can't cook pasta well to save my life. I mostly subsist on baked chicken, fruits, and veggies. Yet I'm gaining weight! I totally suspect I have a certain health problem but have no insurance to get it diagnosed. There's the problem with weight in America, nobody can afford to get their health checked out.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

  8. #8
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    Chicagoland, IL
    Sounds like it is more to do with increased simple carbohydrate consumption or overall overconsuming carbohydrates while not expending them with exercise and activity. Pretty much the same thing Atkin's wrote about.

    Of course cutting out all products with flour (especially bleached/white flour) would cause weight reduction, but a person can keep those things in their diet with moderation if it is properly balanced with fruits, vegetables, meat or soy. Cutting out sugary softdrinks will do a lot of good in itself.

    It seems misleading to put the "bad" label on wheat.
    Mom to Raven and Rudy the greyhound

    Missing always: Tasha & Tommy, at the Rainbow Bridge

  9. #9
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    Jun 2004
    You know something I don't understand... why do people confuse grains/wheat with carbohydrates in general? Carbohydrates are just an organic compound containing hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. They're found in tons of stuff, even meat. Musle meat doesn't store carbs for very long and in high numbers so its often called "carb-free" but yes, there are carbohydrates in it. Fruit too. There's 24 grams of carbs in a banana. There's 13 grams in half a cup of grapes. There's 15 grams in a slice of white bread. So you're better off eating the bread in a low-carb diet than a banana, assuming the carbs are all you're concerned about. I hate when people refer to carbohydrates for grains and starches exclusively.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

  10. #10
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by IRescue452 View Post
    Too bad I can't stand most grain products at all and I rarely buy them. Just going down the cookie or cracker aisle in the grocery store makes me sick. I don't like bread and I don't like cereal and I can't cook pasta well to save my life. I mostly subsist on baked chicken, fruits, and veggies. Yet I'm gaining weight! I totally suspect I have a certain health problem but have no insurance to get it diagnosed. There's the problem with weight in America, nobody can afford to get their health checked out.
    You may have Celiac - so avoiding wheat is a good thing. If you are still gaining weight what you need to do is control your portion size, to cut the number of calories you are taking in. As I stated before, the number of calories put in compared to the number of calories expended in a day are what causes weight gain or loss.
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #11
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    Jun 2004
    Ah but I'm on my feet all day at work doing physical work and putting on the miles. I don't even like to eat and when I do I can't keep up with half the people around me. I eat like a rabbit. I can go all day doing other things besides eating and I only stop to eat when I feel I'm going to pass out. I literally HATE food with a passion. I hate having to spend money on food. I hate having to eat to live. I've been like this since I was a teenager. Some friends suggest my body is trying to keep everything I eat so it has something in it, but that only makes sense short-term. I was down to like 138sometime last year but I'm over 150lbs now and its driving me nuts. Its not like I'm eating any more or exercising any less than last year. I just hate hearing everybody say your weight = your food intake and exercise and nothing else. The health issues I'm concerned about is polycystic ovarian syndrome. I fit the bill and my older sister has it but I have no health care to find out.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oh, gosh, that's scary. Is there no free clinic you could try nearby? I know I am fortunate in that I have health insurance, but I do pay a lot for it, just cannot do without it. Do you live near any large university or teaching hospital? I hope you can find a way to get both a diagnosis and help.
    I've Been Frosted

  13. #13
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IRescue452 View Post
    You know something I don't understand... why do people confuse grains/wheat with carbohydrates in general? Carbohydrates are just an organic compound containing hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. They're found in tons of stuff, even meat. Musle meat doesn't store carbs for very long and in high numbers so its often called "carb-free" but yes, there are carbohydrates in it. Fruit too. There's 24 grams of carbs in a banana. There's 13 grams in half a cup of grapes. There's 15 grams in a slice of white bread. So you're better off eating the bread in a low-carb diet than a banana, assuming the carbs are all you're concerned about. I hate when people refer to carbohydrates for grains and starches exclusively.
    This is true, anything that contains sugars are carbohydrates. I didn't know that meat contained carbohydrates, though.

    And since the Atkin's diet was mentioned; Atkins, or any very low carb, high protein diet, is BAD! If your body does not have appropriate carbohydrates, it has to resort to using protein for energy. This is NOT an ideal energy source and can be very hard on the kidneys!


  14. #14
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IRescue452 View Post
    Ah but I'm on my feet all day at work doing physical work and putting on the miles. I don't even like to eat and when I do I can't keep up with half the people around me. I eat like a rabbit. I can go all day doing other things besides eating and I only stop to eat when I feel I'm going to pass out. I literally HATE food with a passion. I hate having to spend money on food. I hate having to eat to live. I've been like this since I was a teenager. Some friends suggest my body is trying to keep everything I eat so it has something in it, but that only makes sense short-term. I was down to like 138sometime last year but I'm over 150lbs now and its driving me nuts. Its not like I'm eating any more or exercising any less than last year. I just hate hearing everybody say your weight = your food intake and exercise and nothing else. The health issues I'm concerned about is polycystic ovarian syndrome. I fit the bill and my older sister has it but I have no health care to find out.
    I don't know how large a city you live in, but most cities have free clinics, or very cheap, for those who qualify. I would call a clinic or hospital near you and ask them. It really sounds like you need to be checked out!


  15. #15
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    Chicagoland, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by dab_20 View Post
    And since the Atkin's diet was mentioned; Atkins, or any very low carb, high protein diet, is BAD! If your body does not have appropriate carbohydrates, it has to resort to using protein for energy. This is NOT an ideal energy source and can be very hard on the kidneys!
    That's because people don't do it right. If you actually read his book you'd see that he only advises cutting NET carbohydrates (carbohydrates that are left after subtracting fiber from the total amount) strictly for 2 weeks to basically break the body's dependence on them for energy so that you are burning fat and calories instead, and then to add them back until you are at a reasonable level balanced with protein. Everyone's ideal level is different, dependent on lifestyle, age, activity level, and gender. You are only supposed to eat higher protein during the time period that you have cut the carbohydrates low.

    Most people don't really read the details about things like Atkin's or South Beach, but that is why they are BOOKS and not a single page. No one tells people to simply go cut out all carbohydrates and eat high protein as a long-term diet.

    This Q&A article addresses some of what I mean as well as some common misconceptions:
    Last edited by K9soul; 11-03-2011 at 07:48 PM.
    Mom to Raven and Rudy the greyhound

    Missing always: Tasha & Tommy, at the Rainbow Bridge

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