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Thread: Ack - 3 doctors with conflicting answers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA

    Ack - 3 doctors with conflicting answers

    I am so completely and utterly frustrated with the medical community right now.

    Many know of my sinus pain issues. I've been feeling great for 3 weeks now (a minor miracle to be feeling good for more than one hour) since the last round of antibiotics was finished. I started feeling like the sinus infection was back a couple days ago.

    Doctor #1 (Ear Nose Throat) says I need sinus surgery in two weeks to fix a badly deviated septum. He also said if I have ANY cold or infection I would have to cancel the surgery and reschedule. He said that I also HAD to get allergy shots or the surgery would be useless. Apparently, without allergy shots, my nose would go back to its current state within 5 years. With the shots, I have a strong chance of the surgery being permanent. Ok, so to the allergist I went

    Doctor #2 (Allergist) says ENT is full of hoopla and my headaches have nothing to do with the nose. He also said I don't have a sinus infection. I know my body.... I know my sinus infection is back in full force. Between yesterday's Allergist appointment and this morning, I went from feeling sinusy to feeling like my head has been run over by a truck (or maybe a train?)

    So that prompts me to call Doctor #3 (family physician) this morning. She agreed with me: I have another sinus infection and said I need to stay home for two days to get healthy for my upcoming surgery (which she completely agrees with). So now I have spent over $100 in two days for conflicting medical care, and I have an annoyed boss. I have the sinus migraine from hades AND A cranky grandson who won't let me take a nap.

    Calgon... take me away? Or someone? Anyone? Please?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Have you tried RX Flonase for 30 days?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post
    Have you tried RX Flonase for 30 days?
    How about for 3 months? Its doing nothing. I have a drawer full of nasal sprays.... Flonase, Veramyst, Nasonex. I could open my own drug store for sinus issues at this point. One doctor says to use its twice a day. Another says thats too much and is causing irritation and to use it once a day for 5 days and give my nose two days off. I tried every day, every other day, and twice a day - all to no effect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    My sympathies. This time of year I need to pile Sudafed on top of all the other allergy stuff I do year 'round, or I end up with sinus infections. I do 2 nasal sprays twice a day (one a steroid) and various other stuff, and most of the year I am okay, but this spring has been pollenarific!

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA, where life is happy and gay!
    Have you tried a Neti pot? Best thing ever! I had sinus surgery last year which helped a lot, but continue using the Neti Pot daily. It makes a HUGE difference.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Tabbyville, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by RedHedd View Post
    Have you tried a Neti pot? Best thing ever! I had sinus surgery last year which helped a lot, but continue using the Neti Pot daily. It makes a HUGE difference.
    Thats actually the one thing all 3 doctors agree is a waste of time for me. I tried it to no effect and asked if I was doing something wrong and they all agreed its useless in my case

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Chihuahua, Mexico
    my kid was always sick (flu we thought) and was treated with biotics for so long thanas soon as treatment was done he was sick again.. we took him to another doc.. he got x.ray.. well it seems it was not flu but sinus and since he wasn´t "drained" it made him look constantly sick..

    he also gave biotics and some other stuff.. and after that treatment he rarely gets stuffy again.. I mean he still gets normal kid stuffy but so rarely not every week for who knows how long.. hasn´t been sick since about a year.. so that is awesome!!

    one was called claricid (there is another spelled with k so not sure which one was it).. other dalancin c... I´ll have to re-check.. he was on them for 20 days.. 5ml/ 8hrs..

    he also got some nasal spray of marine water to loosen things up..

    now as a preventative and for his immune system/defenses.. we use Just products.. I think it´s translated Thyme (tomillo) cream just as you would use vicks vaporub (chest, back and feet soles) and also eucasol, some eucalipt spray as decongestant (can be misted in pillow and gets you a nice sleep even if not stuffy, or misted in the shower so that with water vapor you get reaally de-stuffed)..
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    My sympathies. I know that feeling from colds etc, can't imagine having it as often or as long as you've been coping. WOW. I pray the surgery happens and is 100% successful!

    My Dad's cousin had terrible headaches most of his life. Couldn't hold down a job. His wife did the income earning, he stayed home and raised the kids (this was in the 1930's, it just wasn't DONE then!).

    At the age of 72, a new doc told him the problem: one bone at the top of the nasal passage had grown too long. Surgery, they filed that bone down, and TA DAH! For the first time in his adult life, he was pain free!

    Sadly, 3 months later his wife died. Life is quirky like that. Sigh. So now he is 85, going strong, feels great.

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