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Thread: Mikey, not just pug/beagle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Mikey, not just pug/beagle?

    I have gotten questions regarding Mikey's breeds. He's obviously a Pug Beagle mix. He has the muscular built of both a pug beagle, the nose of both pug and beagle, the big bulging eyes eyes of a pug. the coloring of a beagle, and his tail is can go both ways. It can be straight like a beagle, but is mostly curly like a pugs. He does have quite the high prey drive and he's very hyperactive. I've gotten people asking if he's part boxer, boston terrier, JRT, Pitbull, etc, etc. He's from a "breeder" as you know he is a "puggle", I have his papers stating his mother is a beagle and his father a pug. But it makes me think, because he doesn't look like other puggles. Most of them are all tan with a pug face, he just looks so different. I've never seen a pug beagle mix that looks quite like him not in books, not on the internet. It just makes me think...I don't know, its possible.

    BTW, I am sure most of you are AWARE Mikey is typically a rescue, I did not buy him from the breeder, I got him from a women who was getting rid of him or he would have gone to a shelter. I didn't buy him so please don't start a debate over Designer dogs. I am well aware and well against the breeding of mutts.

    You can see his build from this picture.


    Attempted full body.

    The chance he is a different breed other then Pug beagle is quite slim but I am just curious to see what you guys think.

    All I know is if he is a pure "PUGGLE" then he was blessed with the best genetics of any of them. He is by far the most unique cute "puggle" I've ever seen.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Hmmmm.... I was babysitting this last December, and the family had a "puggle", and he looked very similar to Mikey. I don't see and JRT, Boston Terrier, or any sort of bully breeds, though.... Whatever he is, he is CUTE and HANDSOME!!
    Also, thank you for rescuing him.

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  3. #3

    Totally a Puggle

    I know that most Puggles are fairly uniform in appearance. In fact, I find it somewhat amazing that so many are so similar in appearance - makes me wonder if they won't one day soon accept them as a "breed". With that said, I have no doubt in my mind that your dog is most likely a Puggle. Probably one that a breeder would not continue breeding with - because of his lack of conformity. But when you mix breeds, especially a new pair that hasn't previously produced winners - anything is possible. I would guess that there is even the possibility of variance within the same litter. But all that aside, I think Mikey is darling. I like his looks better than most of his kin!!!

  4. #4


    Is that how Puggles are produced? A female Beagle and a male Pug? Just curious... or can it be either way. Like with Mules and Hinnies... one from a Male Donkey and Female Horse and the other visa-versa.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    According to a recent TV show, most "designer mixes" are produced with the female being the larger breed. Some dogs, like pugs, can need c-sections because of the large heads and narrow hip leading to problems giving birth, so they use the larger breed for the mother.

    I think Mikey could absolutely be "puggle" - half beagle and half pug, it's just that his genes swung more to the beagle side than pug, and that sometimes happens with mutts - a.k.a. designer dogs! After all, think of human siblings - we all look somewhat different, even with the same two parents ... same rules can apply!
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
    Maybe basset hound in there somewhere? He's handsome regardless. I can't even believe people ask if you if he's a pit bull. He is not what-so-ever that shows people cannot identify a true APBT.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    We used to go to a park to eat lunch years ago and one time a person was walking a dog that looked a lot like Mikey. I asked the breed and she said pug beagle. So I believe he is a pug beagle. They all come out different and in Mikey's case he came out ADORABLE!!! (Mr Serious Face)
    Our goal in life should be - to be as good a person as our dog thinks we are.

    Thank you for the siggy, Michelle!

    Cindy (Human) - Taz (RB Tabby) - Zoee (RB Australian Shepherd) - Paizly (Dilute Tortie) - Taggart (Aussie Mix) - Jax (Brown & White Tabby), - Zeplyn (Cattle Dog Mix)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pugs come in apricot, fawn, black, silver, brindle. Its likely that the pug bred into your dog was not fawn. That's it. Beagles don't have any color limitations. Most people see the parti or tri-color beagles, but they go way beyond that. They can be solid, they can be bluetick, they can be black and tan.

    Bobsmom: Puggle have a long way to go. Besides looking alike, breeds must have a parent club to work toward being accepted as purebreds. Then they must breed first generation (G1) puggles to other first gens, G2 to G2, G3 to G3, and so on. This breeding must go on for about 20 generations or so without ever crossing back to the original breed or a previous generation. If the dog must be crossed back, the whole process must start over. This takes thousands of the hybrids to ensure a good gene pool and enough members of each generation to crossbreed to make sure you'll have enough of the next generation. Only after several generations do they even begin to try developing a proper standard. Unfortunately, back yard breeders rarely get past the first or second cross generation. They don't care about the breed becoming purebred. They don't care about conforming to a standard. Its just money.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Brunswick, OH
    He definitely is the first puggle I've seen that looked that way. I'm a keep a look out now. Lol
    Monica Callahan KPA-CTP *Woohoo!*

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Thanks for input guys, I do appreciate it. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy. I am well aware the chances of him being anything other then Pug/Beagle is pretty slim. Aw, Karen you stole my answer to Bobsmom question, but yes Karen is correct that's exactly why the Dad is the pug and the mom is the beagle. It's always like that.

    Yes, Mike-a-woo is Mr. Serious face, you should see him in hyper mode when his eyes bug out like a pugs, OH god, it's too funny.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    I think Mikey just had the privilege to have more Beagle genes in him rather than a Pug.. mostly because of his colors!
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
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    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  12. #12


    iv met a puggle male that looked exactly the same when i was in missoula,Montana

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