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Thread: My 23 year old cat

  1. #1

    My 23 year old cat

    My cat is 23 yrs old--I know that is pretty old for a cat, but believe me when I say she is very young at heart. She seemed fine--she recently became blind though, but adjusted to her home very well. She ate great, used her box, and still greeted us at the door everyday we got home from work. Her kidney values have been a little high for quite many years. But I never seen the warning signs of what happened starting friday october 9th at 2am. She frantically came in our bedroom and beside me cried, she had her first (violent)seizure. That night we didn't sleep, we watched Sylvester all night long. In the morning she seemed ok, really wiped out, but she ate breakfast, drank, used her box, all that. My husband called me at 11am that saturday and she had her second violent seizure. I started crying and wanted to go home from work, I started calling vet's up and none were answering the phone. I told my boss I wanted to leave work this instance and be with my cat. My boss wouldn't let me leave. I could not get in touch with a vet until monday morning. Over the course of 2 days she had 6 very violent full blown seizures. I have never seen an animal seize, it was horrifying. On monday morning I called her vet and took her right to the hospital. She was dehydrated. her kidney values on the bun was 113, and her creatinine was 5.9. Her kidney's were shutting down-end stage chronic renal failure. They ran blood tests, urine test for gravity, took xray's started fluids, vitamins, other meds, and antibotics. They gave her a 10% chance. She slowly improved a little bit everyday, and they told me that as of monday at noon--no more seizures, unfortunately they leave at 5pm and nobody is there all night to watch the pet's. I prayed, I cried, I hoped, and never ever ever gave up hope. The vet told me on monday/tuesday I should put her to sleep. I couldn't. I couldn't b/c this all did NOT seem right, she never had a seizure, all of this came out of nowhere. My only sign for her now that I think about it was the sudden blindness....Friday 10/16) my 23 yr old cat(born in 1985) came home, but her battle is far from over. She had a very very mild seizure late at night the day we brought her home. Thankfully the vet gave us emergency valium rectal shots, gave her one of those, she calmed down, but had another mild seizure on saturday. And sunday. She is now on 1/4 tab of Phenobarbital every 12 hrs, today(monday) as of 10pm at night, her last seizure was sunday late at night(30 seconds long, less than 5 minute recovery time). She is fighting, she doesn't want to give up and I am not giving up on her. She is getting stronger, she is walking a little bit, she is slowly getting strength back in her back legs, and her front legs can now hold the weight of her body. She is still very wobbly, She eats all by her self. She get's pediallyte mixed in her food for added hydration. I also give her 100cc's of Sub-Q fluids 2 times a day, she is on antibotics, pet tinic, felovite II, herbals, Fortiflora, and tomorrow I start Procrit injections for her anemia. And Phenobarb's for the mild seizures. She is also on a very strict diet. I do know with her age, and her illness, every single second sylvester and me spend together is a gift. But she is fighting. She hasn't given up on herself, and I will not give up on her. Her kidney values on wednesday when she was in the vet hospital dropped to 59, her creatinine dropped to 2.9, as did her other values. when I brought her home they dropped to 53(don't recall the creatinine). If only these siezures would stop, I know my cat could heal and get much stronger. She is a fighter. I would do anything for my cat, she is like our daughter. All I can do is hope for tomorrow to come. And pray for no seizures. I guess the moral of this story: I was suppose to bring her for her blood work in late august, I didn't. If I had, all of this could had been prevented. Chronic Renal Failure is heartwrenching. There is no cure. No vaccine. No pet foods in grocery stores have possible side effects or health risks to a cat for eating the food listed on their labels. I have read some very disturbing articles of how pet food is manufactured and what really is in it. No research is being done in CRF. Kidney transplants are expensive and very risky not only to your cat but to the donor cat who you need to adopt. Even when I ask my vet 'why this has happened?', he answers, 'It is a mystery'. Please pray for my little fighter. She hasn't given up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Prayers? You got 'em!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    Aw gosh, what a brave fighter she is!! Iam crossing my fingers for her, and all my 4 cats promise to cross paws and tails!!

    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  4. #4
    Add my name to the list of people praying for Sylvester. My RB Puddy had CRF for nearly 6 years so, although there may be no cure, it is treatable. You've had your kitty for 23 years so each day is a blessing. My oldest is 21 and I treasure each moment. Keep the faythe.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Southern California
    I'll be thinking of her and adding prayers, and for you, too. What a fighter! I so understand; they are like our children. We'll be waiting to see how she's doing.

  6. #6
    thank you for all your prayers and well wishes! The good thing, she has had no seizures, her pheno is now 1/4 tab. every 12 hrs, she has made it over 24 hrs since her last one! I am quite happy for that. But this morning she doesn't have much of any appetite. She doesn't want to eat from her bowl. She will lick the food off my hand though. So that is what I am doing. At noon I am going to be giving her the first shot of procrit. I am a little nervous--and am hoping she has no adverse reaction to it. I guess all I can do is hope for a miracle, and hope she doesn't give up on me.

  7. #7
    I'm sooo mad right now! I can't measure the procrit in the needle without air bubbles. Going to the vet with the bottle and the needles, and maybe he'll help me. I also needs more sub-q supplies.

    I just pray for no more seizures. So far, so good.....

  8. #8
    Sorry to hear about your kitty's problems. I will be praying for you all too.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    That's why you see people tapping the syringe on TV shows - to get the bubbles out. I home the pharmacist was able to help you!
    I've Been Frosted

  10. #10
    Prays coming!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Washington, DC USA
    I give one of my guys subQ fluids regularly and I order my stuff off the Internet (because it is sooooo much cheaper than at the vet's office). I also have my local Target pharmacy order the fluids in by the case lot (so I only pay $21 for a 12 1-litre bags of lactated ringers solution).

    I was also talking with a friend of mine who was having the same problems with the insulin needles for her cat. You might want to see about getting a different lot number of needs (it will be marked on the packaging).

    But prayers are coming your way

  12. #12
    Just prayed for her. I'm glad that she is improving. I think your love and loyalty will be most helpful. I know she knows you care deeply

  13. #13
    On 11/2/2009 between 3-4am my cat Sylvester, my sweet little lady passed away. Her heart and her spirit never gave up, but her body was just sooo weak-and seemed to be working against her every step of the way. She passed on peacefully in her sleep.

    15 minutes before her follow up vet appt, she had her first seizure in 8 days. That was 10/27. Since that day, she was having more and more seizures everyday. The vet prescribed her soo many different med's. Pheno didn't seem to work--actually seem to excite her more. The potassium bromide made her cough, the valium was the only thing that really seemed to help--that was only for emergency....No med's did any good...That sunday night as I put my kittty in her nice warm bed I didn't see any spark in her eyes, she looked soooo tired. I hugged her and kissed her, and told her how much I loved her. Then stayed beside her for as long as I could. My husband checked on her around 4am and she was gone...

    I am very sad as I miss my bestest friend in this entire world. I love her with my entire heart, and now I feel this hollow hole aching open. But I am also thankful that my little lady is not in any pain. The seizures were uncontrollable and wore her down. She couldn't fight them, her body just wasn't strong enough.

    Thank you all very much for your prayers.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    {{{{hugs}}}} You tried your very best and Sylvester knew it. If love could cure, she would still be with you. Sadly, sometimes love has to let go.

    I read a quote I would like to share with you: "Sometimes God calls our loved ones home to heal."

    Play free and young at the Bridge, dear Sylvester...and let your mom know you are ok.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  15. #15
    How wonderful that Sylvester was able to begin her journey to the Rainbow Bridge peacefully. Her last few days of illness will quickly be forgotten but her memory never will be. She lived a good, long, happy life thanks to you. RIP, sweet Sylvester and peace to your humans.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

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