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Thread: hacked....

  1. #31

    A request for your patience...

    Just had a quick note from Paul...

    "I've got a lot of work to do..."

    Reading between the lines - It's going to take some Time & Effort on his part to repair things and try to prevent future hacks to the Pet Talk site...

    Paul might have to shut the site (or parts & features of the site) down to repair things...

    *IF* you notice the site goes down, or gets slow to respond, or anything else *strange* happens... PLEASE do NOT bombard Karen or Paul with e-mails or PM's...

    Paul *IS WORKING* On the Hacking Problem... and
    He'll fix things as Soon as he possibly can!!

    Let's all *Cut Him a Break* and not bug him... OK?

    Thanks for your concern and co-operation!!

    And another "Good Luck" to Paul!!
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  2. #32
    I am not posting the link for they might be tracing this conversation at this second. I gave the link to Ash, and she said that all that came up was DOTD, and I tried it, and it went up to the hacking site again. Nobody e-mailed that adress on the bottom, right? Why is it not working for some people?? This is a big mystery. But detective Paul is on it!!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Good Luck Paul!!! I sure hope that you'll be able to fix the problem and hopefully it won't happen again.

  4. #34
    Hey I went back to check, and it went to DOTD this time!! I'm not going back until later..let Paul finish out the details. Oooh, it must be fun to own a website!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Stockton, CA
    It seems to be fixed now. What a pain for Paul and Karen.

    What a doofus to hack a pet site, too ... **sigh**
    I'm sometimes asked "Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?" I answer: "I am working at the roots." -George T. Angell, reformer (1823-1909)

    Thank you, Popcornbird for creating this tribute to Summer starring Livvy and Cassy

    Livvy: 11 April 99 - 5 July 09
    Cassy: 11 July 99 - 8 April 11

    If you would like to visit my BeautiConsultant page --

  6. #36
    I know!! I've still got the site minimized...I keep reading it over. But that was odd how the cat was from the place in the message (being careful not to reveal anything..always take precautions...). Wow, look at all the posts I got from posting about this!!

  7. #37
    You think maybe Floppsy your calling is in the line of DETECTIVE!! Never know it might be. I'd hire ya.

  8. #38
    It would be nice if they had website detectives, I'd love that job!! Anyway, glad everything is taken care of and we can all go on with our lives. I'm gunna take one last look at that message and then delete it. It was odd, I might print it out first..for future reference.. Anyway, Oh gee, it's already 11:45PM here! Gotta go watch my TV shows, I've been on here since 5:00PM!!

  9. #39
    OMG! I had been out all day, so I never saw the problem. I just came home and found this thread, and OMG! It was fine in the morning and its fine now! But why did they choose Pet Talk to do this????? What does Pet Talk, a pet website, have ANYTHING to do with Israel and their changing of the capital city from Tela viv to the Holy city? What does a pet site have to do with any of this??? Sheesh, some people these days really have stupid targets for their objectives. I don't understand why anyone would do this to a pet site because of something that has absolutely nothing to do with anything on this site. I'm glad the site's back to normal now. Poor Paul and Karen had to go through this for nothing. Hacking is such a stupid way to show one's emotions especially when its done to a site that has nothing to do with what they are mad about.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tucson, Arizona
    I got to this site ok now...I had emailed Karen earlier, but haven't checked yet to see if she answered.

    I don't think this site itself would be a target of a hacker, unless it was some smart a-- kid with too much time on his hands... maybe it had something to do with internet explorer that got hacked into? I don't know...anyway I hope Karen or Paul can find out what happend.
    I don't think it was the person from the UK though...
    I can't remember who, but in one of the posts someone mentioned giving someone else their password.... you should not ever do that, even if you can trust the person you gave it to, it can possibly be seen by others, if they can hack into email... you should change that password.

    sad what people can and will do these days
    Last edited by toughCookie; 10-06-2002 at 01:37 AM.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    Geez, that is scaring stuff! Missed it because it was night over here in Europe when it happened, but from reading your posts, I see these have been scary hours for everyone here. Glad that Paul was obviously able to fix it!


  12. #42
    I did not get that message !!
    It is scary , isn' it !!!

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    We cannot track "who" did it, and I think they didn't care whose site, or what kind of site, it was. I bet they did it to as many machines as they could, and our just happened to be one of them.

    As Paul mentioned, this is only the second time in the years we've being doing Pet of the Day that it has happened, and, well, of someone hacked the State Department, too, I guess we shouldn't feel too bad.

    Ejoy the day, and today's pets!

  14. #44
    I was the one who mentioned giving out my password, and that idea has been floating around in my head. I cannot get back onto my old name, obviously meaning something is wrong with server, comuter, or even the site (which I seriously doubt). I also think that maybe somebody has gotten onto that name after tracing that private message I sent out and well, sometimes I see my name and FLS89 on at the same time--do any of you?? I know it is a stupid idea but it all lines up... Popcornbird, not to be ordering people around but I suggest you remove the things in your post about the problem and locations of places. It does have nothing to do with Pet Talk, but stating negative opinions and specific places could result in problems. Remember, guests can acess this site AND people can go into invisible mode, so anybody could be reading this as we speak without us knowing. Just taking more precautions...

  15. #45
    I just remembered while looking back on this thread that CatChat posted the pic of what she saw. Well, that is very good, because now we have the pic of that site. That pic cannot be deleted from the thread by anybody but CatChat (sorry, don't know many names around here), so no hacker or messed up person can delete it. I still have the picture of that site in my mind, clear, and I remember every word of it. It sure was odd. I see my little friend has signed on my name again. Hmm, Im gunna see what the deal is...

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