Bobby & Sweety have found a forever home!!!

Bobby & Sweety are fit enough to be adopted & this lady I interviewed is excited about working with Sweety & creating a safe cage for her disabilities!

In return the lady is giving Digi a photo shoot!!

Shes knows what I know of their past & how I have befriended Bobby & it has worked with all my friends the first time they tried it. So Bobby might have a hand issue (nothing was working), but if you do my trick you can give him nose kisses & he'll make kiss sounds back & will close his eyes. He just LOVES it

Sweety is easy. Take her out (she bites as holding her does hurt her a little & she can't perch on a finger properly), gently place her on your shoulder & shes happy as can be

I'm so happy for them!!

I almost thought I was never going to be able to rehabilitate them. I origionally planned on keeping them, but learned that Birds aren't my thing (I tried but in the end I knew). So I did what i do best. Rehabilitate damaged animals & turn them into loving happy pets someone will adopt from my mini rescue

I'll be sticking to reptiles & fish for now on.