My darling, the miles may cruelly separate us, but our hearts are entwined. Thinking of you whenever I sprawl on my kitty condo, climb my cat tree, slurp cat milk, or nap in the sun, my beloved!

Oh my beloved
Life-long LOVE
I tingle at the
Very thought of YOU.
Ever faithful (and fluffy), is my
Romeo, my Knight in Furry Armor.

Godlet of Feline Love,
Oliver spreads a glow to
Tats, his Meowmy and all who know him.
Colindar loving,
Happy, sweet-natured, and healthy,
Admire him, all!

Delights should rain down on his
Adorable bod,
Ye blessing senders to good kit-kats!

I love you, Oliver.

Your Livvy-wiv, your Jeweliette, your love