I ran across a couple of interesting websites the other day that I thought some of you might be interested in. You might already know about them, but just in case I thought I would post the links. There are some great articles and videos in both.

The Dog Listener, Stan Rawlinson (not be be confused with the Dog Whisperer, Caesar Milan - who is an idiot (IMHO). http://www.doglistener.co.uk/index.shtml. I especially liked his take on the Alpha Myth

The Animal Behavior Resource Institute also has a great library with articles and videos from some of the top trainers/behaviorists in the US. You can access their website at http://abrionline.org/ There are some great videos of some problem behaviors and how the professionals use behavior modification for issues such as fear aggression, barking at the door, jumping, etc. While this should NEVER take the place of working with a qualified trainer and/or behaviorist - at least this gives some insight into how certain techniques are used.

I've seen so much garbage on the internet, I just wanted to forward some reputable links.