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Thread: Dogs don't get

  1. #1

    Question Dogs don't get

    I have a 3 1/2 year old poodle mix (Amaya) with severe seperation anxiety. I recently moved from my parents house and she was left alone while I am at work. I read through Pet Talk and found that my options were to put her in day care or get another dog to keep her company. I don't have a day care nearby so I opted for the other dog. I got a 2 month old poodle mix. This solved the initial problem where Amaya was having "accidents" around the house when left alone. This is something she doesnt do when someone is home. She was also tearing up my clothes. Amaya immediately stopped having accidents around the house when the puppy was brought in. She hasnt had an accident since the puppy has been here.

    The problem now is that she has begun to attack the puppy when he gets too close to her. She begins with a growl then lunges but doesnt actually bite. If she does its a small nip. She was very curious about the puppy on the first day but now she wants nothing to do with him.

    My mom recently got a very playful poodle puppy and Amaya loves to play with him then simply gets away from him when she doesnt want to play anymore. Why is she different with this puppy? He doesnt have half the energy as my mom's puppy which I thought she would be happier about.

    What can I do to help them get along? The puppy is now terrified of her and walks the other way when he sees her coming. Amaya is always fed first and still gets her alone time with me. I have not treated her differently. I have recently started putting her in the basement for a couple of seconds whenever she growls at the puppy. I'm am using it as a "Sin Bin".

    Thank you in advance PT.
    Last edited by boricuajenny5; 03-07-2009 at 09:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Northern California
    No worries. All multi-dog households have initial rough beginnings. You're not alone.

    Several things that caught my eye:
    The problem now is that she has begun to attack the puppy when he gets too close to her. She begins with a growl then lunges but doesnt actually bite. If she does its a small nip. She was very curious about the puppy on the first day but now she wants nothing to do with him.
    Even dogs have "honeymoon periods". The reason Amaya likes playing more with your mom's dog is because your mom's dog doesn't live with her! When the fun is over, your mom's dog leaves. But when the fun is over with your new puppy, Amaya still lives with him. She has a reason to be irritated with him. So, it sounds like your dogs are over their "honeymoon period" and into the "oh-cr@p-I-actually-live-with-this-thing" period. It's normal. Don't worry. As long as Amaya gives warnings (via growling) and doesn't actually ATTACK your puppy (she's not attacking if she's giving a warning snap), your dogs are communicating beautifully.

    However, I do understand that it can be worrisome, and there are some things you can do to help. First, stop doing this:
    I have recently started putting her in the basement for a couple of seconds whenever she growls at the puppy. I'm am using it as a "Sin Bin".
    You're not targeting WHY she's growling. You're punishing her FOR growling. If you punish her enough, she can learn to stop growling and skip straight into lunging. That's infinitely worse than a dog who warns by growling. So don't punish her for growling. If you really want to stop the growling, try to find out why. Is the puppy in her space? Is she laying down and he's intruding? Is she protecting a resource (food, toy, human attention, doorways, etc.)? Once you find out why, prevent these situations (i.e. recall the puppy away from her or body block him or step in and put both dogs in "time outs", etc.) in the future and give Amaya a "safe haven", like her own corner or crate. Otherwise, let them work out their kinks Good luck!

  3. #3
    Thanks so much Giselle. You always come to my rescue

    Amaya only acts this way when the puppy gets into her space. Amaya might be on the sofa and the puppy begins to jump as he tries to climb up, not realizing that Amaya is there. I just put the puppy on the other side of me and they both lay there peacefully. They do walk together without a problem. Amaya is not protecting any specific item, not even her food. They share a water bowl. I've been keeping the puppy away from Amaya and letting her come to him whenever she wants. There has been less of the growling... Thank you! I was worried they'd never get along.

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