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Thread: Moving

  1. #1


    I'm moving 40km Jan 1st. This will be Digi's first move. Shes a sensitive dog (gets night terrors easily from tramatic things) so I want to try to make this as easy on her as possible.

    The apt is twice the size (if not larger) of my current one so I know she'll love the space

    So any tips on how to make this a very positive exp. for her, I would appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Deep-N-Heart of Tx && My Babie's Hearts
    Well I would take her with me on each packing trip to the new place.. This way she will feel comfy being with you.. Just reasure her that this is to be a greater place to live.. I think she will do great.. Congrats on the New Move.. Boy Howdy I would sure hate to think I had to move.. Are you going to do it in several trips or one trip??

    ~~~Thank You Very Much {Kim} kimlovescats for the Grand Siggy~~~

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I would definitely take her over there a few times before the actual move, let her acclimate herself, and explore everything. Move her bedding as is, so it still smells like home to her in the new place.
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by lvpets2002 View Post
    Well I would take her with me on each packing trip to the new place.. This way she will feel comfy being with you.. Just reasure her that this is to be a greater place to live.. I think she will do great.. Congrats on the New Move.. Boy Howdy I would sure hate to think I had to move.. Are you going to do it in several trips or one trip??
    I wish it was 1 trip!
    But its going to be MANY MANY MANY trips in my car.

    The 2birds, 2turtles and Spider will be the first pets moved over. Once I move all my food, Futon mattress, kitchen stuffs, some clothing, computer, then I'll movie Digi over.

    For the first few moves Digi can't come as I'll be packing the car, going to work, stopping at the new place to unload, then going back home. If I'm doing a back & forth move I can bring Digi on that trip & leave her there inbetween trips. As I'm unpacking she can be loose & run amuck

    She loves road trips, and did ok when i was at my sisters for a week & at my uncles for a week. Shes gone on enough short road trips that she gets crazy excited when I pack up the red bag, as she knows she gets to sniff new exciting things. Its after that week I worry she'll wonder why shes not going home & go mental on me. Or wonder why all our things are disapearing from our home & showing up in this new weird place.

    I feel so bad for her, I do my best to help & avoid tramatizing things

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    I would definitely take her over there a few times before the actual move, let her acclimate herself, and explore everything. Move her bedding as is, so it still smells like home to her in the new place.
    I'll make sure not to wash her things before the move. I'll wash her car blanket tonight so it doesn't smell foul (wet dog smell), the I'll get her to lay on it after the wash so it smells like her, as I plan to lay that blanket on the floor beside her kennel at the new place so she has a good place to go when I need her to move out of the way

    She has no bedding in her kennel as she doesn't like it in there. I've put a bed or a blanket in there in the past & she;ll go in, move it out of her way & lay on the metal pan. She doesn't seem to like fluffy things often... shes weird hehe

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Try not to comfort her when she acts different from the move, youll just be making her 10x's worse.
    If you've done that before it could be why she's like that.
    See ALL my pets here


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    I would wait until you got all of her things there and set up before you brought her there for good. Then there would be familiar smells there, her stuff, and it'll be more like home to her.

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    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by buttercup132 View Post
    Try not to comfort her when she acts different from the move, youll just be making her 10x's worse.
    If you've done that before it could be why she's like that.
    I confort her becuase she was abused before she was 6 weeks old & was terribly tramatized by it. She is prone to night terrors when something bad happens. So I do my best to help avoid them from happening as she gets hurt when she has night terrors.

    Digi's Night Terrors.
    She'll be sound a sleep then all of a sudden she'll scream bloody murder & bolt. Bolting usually ends in her slamming into something, which scares her even more & then she screams more thinking shes being attacked & then she runs in any direction trying to get away from whatever she slammed into which obviously hurt her.

    When she does this in her kennel its sooo much more dangerous & scary for her as she slams into the door, then starts slaming into all the walls totally freaked out as she thinks shes being attacked. I fear she'll break a leg in there, or get stuck if her whole leg goes through the bars or if she somehow gets her mouth stuck in the bars.

    Night Terrors ONLY happen when something tramatizing happens to her. This is why she doesn't go to dog parks anymore. She LOVES other dogs, but the second 1 jumps on her back the fun is over. She curls up in a ball on the ground & screams bloody murder. She will not get up & will not stop freaking out if I don't pick her up. After 20 mins she acts ok, shes stuck to me like glue, but she'll eat, drink, play with toys & will potty fine... but for the next 2 weeks the Night Terrors own her in her sleep.

    She has good doggie friends.

    Trigger is her boyfriend (hes a 16yr old ex police dog) as he just adores her. He woofs at her non stop and does his darnest to hobble over to her to woof in her face until she gives him kisses and runs around him like a silly bunny.

    Buddy tollerates her hehehe Hes a 16yr old GSD but he doesn't bark. He just likes to sniff her & do his own thing.

    Coco is the same age as Digi but shes too hyper to play with Digi. So they are elevator buddies.

    Merlin lives very far a way so they don't see each other often. Hes the only dog that Digi will play hard core with (bitting, chasing, pouching, & bark). But at first she'll dive under the furnature where he can't get her. She'll bite his feet & he'll bite her nose. Hes far too big to get his head under, so they'll have nose bitting fights until Digi finally comes out for the tackle & then the hardcore playing will last for 2 long days hahaha

    Willow lives with Merlin along with 2 others (4 dogs total). Willow doesn't play (too old), but she'll bark at Digi & Merlin the whole time & Digi just ignores her hehe Then Digi will kiss Willow's mouth & run away

    Digi is great with cats & birds, & will stare at the fish & will follow the turtles. BUT I'm usually around, so shes far less fearful of new things. I raised her on Metal Music to desensitize her of weird loud noises, so she does great in LOUD crowds & on the subway

    So ya I coddle her a lot, but if I didn't she would hurt herself pretty bad. Her training is going very slow, as everything had to be pushed back due to her health & mental issues. She is doing well at sitting & laying down. Come not so well. She still plays keep away at times, but shes getting better! Stay isn't working as she doesn't want me going to far from her. But she is fine with stay & I leave the apt for 5-10 mins. She'll be in the same spot waiting for me to some back. She is not a food dog, so treats do zip.

    So training is slowly getting there. Her vet is happy how things are going, as the vet saw her in her worst state (the vet had little hope for Digi as she was that messed up when I got her) and approves all my actions & slow training course... Too much training doesn't go well, Digi acts as if I'm beating her (I don't lay a hand on her) & will run from me, so its not easy.

    So thats why I codle her.. but its rare that I ever have to do it.. I know her triggers so I avoid them. But I don't know how the move will effect her so I just want to make it as smooth as possible.

    Sorry for the long post, just wanted you to understand why I codle her, as I know its bad & never did it with any other dog I have owned or trained.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Kfamr View Post
    I would wait until you got all of her things there and set up before you brought her there for good. Then there would be familiar smells there, her stuff, and it'll be more like home to her.
    Good idea!

    I'll pack all her things together, & set it up in the same area in a speedy mannor. For the first week, I might keep Bobbie beside her as they like each other, so maybe that'll make the move easier on both of them. Sweety doesn't seem to stress at all, so I don't think she'll care as long as she has food & water, & I visit her in the critter room!

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