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Thread: I'm moving!!

  1. #1

    I'm moving!!


    How should I pack Bobbie? Should I put him into a tiny box with shredder paper & a blanket to make sure he doesn't get bumped around? I'm by far NOT a crazy driver, but if I have to slam on my breaks on the HWY I have little choice.

    I just want to make sure I pack him properly so he cannot get hurt. Digi has a Doggie seatbelt & the Turtles will go into Totes that I can lock. Fish are going into locking Big Al's pails & into the fish cooler in bags (OMG SO MANY FISH!!!).

    But I don't know how to insure Bobbies safety in a sudden stop. I know their bones are fragile, so I know I have to do this right. I'm only going 40km, BUT its a dangerous treck as Toronto drivers are insane!

    I know getting Sharkey (17" Black Shark) out of the tank & into a pail will be a wet experience hehe I'm sure he'll jump out & will run across the floor before I get the lid on again.. Hes a bugger of a fish!! hehehe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Can he not travel in his cage? I'd worry packing him in a small box that he'd suffocate ... Can you move him in a separate trip, and do it late at night so the roads will be less crazy?

    Anyone experienced at moving a cockatiel?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    When traveling to the vet (1 hour away) I use two different methods to transfer my birds.

    1. A travel cage. We use this one. Donovan and Indie were both very young when they joined our family, so they are used to this kind of travel and settle down really quickly. The tiels travel in it without a problem, as well. Its small(without being cramped), lightweight, and very easy to carry around.

    2. A small cage. I am not sure how big Bobbie's normal cage is, but all of my birds' cages are too large to fit into a car without breaking them down. We do have a small cage (18"X18"X22" if I am not mistaken) that we use if needed. If you do choose to use a normal cage be sure to cover 3 of the four sides with a sheet or towel. It will cut back on any panicking. Also, make sure Bobbie has a perch he can grip really well. I usually use the cotton rope perches.

    Just make sure you have enough "cushion" between you and the car in front of you, even if it means driving a bit slower! You need to avoid heavy breaking if at all possible. You can also belt the cage or carrier in to make sure it doesn't move around.

    Good luck!
    The Minions:
    {The Dog: Towser & Raiden} {The Cats: Khaith, Martha, Adelaide, Snowball, & Floki} {The Bird: Gir}

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
    When traveling to the vet (1 hour away) I use two different methods to transfer my birds.

    1. A travel cage. We use this one. Donovan and Indie were both very young when they joined our family, so they are used to this kind of travel and settle down really quickly. The tiels travel in it without a problem, as well. Its small(without being cramped), lightweight, and very easy to carry around.

    2. A small cage. I am not sure how big Bobbie's normal cage is, but all of my birds' cages are too large to fit into a car without breaking them down. We do have a small cage (18"X18"X22" if I am not mistaken) that we use if needed. If you do choose to use a normal cage be sure to cover 3 of the four sides with a sheet or towel. It will cut back on any panicking. Also, make sure Bobbie has a perch he can grip really well. I usually use the cotton rope perches.

    Just make sure you have enough "cushion" between you and the car in front of you, even if it means driving a bit slower! You need to avoid heavy breaking if at all possible. You can also belt the cage or carrier in to make sure it doesn't move around.

    Good luck!
    In Toronto there is no such thing as a "cushion" between you & other cars. I do my best to keep 4 car lengths, but there is always a dozen cars cutting me off left right & center, its insane, & this is 1 reason why I hate the drive so I'm moving 40km closer to work.

    If I put him in a cage & hes on a perch & I have to stop suddenly, there is no way he'll hold on. Thats why I was hoping some sort of box would be best. I just don't know how to make it bird safe.

    Karen I would put holes in the box, I've transported live animals before, just not a bird.

    There is always a seatbelt involved when I have pets in the car.. all pails & totes get their own seatbelt.. except for Axle's tote.. its so large it can't move.

    I start on the 427 to the 401 TransCanada HWY to the 404. I pass several HWYs... there are lanes going everywhere, THOUSANDS of cars, people don't know where they are going & its pretty darn scary.

    Here is 1 area I have to go through.. I have to fight my way into that crazy mess as I need to cross about 8 lanes to get to 401 from the 427...

    Follow the MASSIVE HWY north & it'll go East.. thats the 401.. follow it for a few moments & you'll see other large HWYs getting into the mix. From left to Right there is an avg of 16 lanes. The speed is 100km/hr. If you are going too slow you'll get pulled over by the OPP.. not a good thing! Even at night the hwy is busy. I was on it at 9pm today & it was fairly busy!

    Its the busiest HWY in all of Canada. Its also the largest parking lot too HAHAHA *cries as it takes her an ave of 2hrs to get home many nights*

    So thats why I fear for Bobbies safety in a reg cage. Its rarely a smooth drive, & it just gets worse off the HWYs. Honestly I'm surprised my horn still works & that my breaks haven't fallen off yet (just an expression).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    That's why I recommend driving Bobbie over late at night - or even the wee hours of the morning, when the roads will be sanest! Remember, I live in the Boston area, infamous for crazy drivers! When is the move?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    That's why I recommend driving Bobbie over late at night - or even the wee hours of the morning, when the roads will be sanest! Remember, I live in the Boston area, infamous for crazy drivers! When is the move?
    I don't know anything about USA roads hehe
    I just know there are MILLIONS of people in this area so the hwys never sleep & are never sane LOL... at 3am you'll still get cut off often.. I swear drivers do it purposly.

    Remember I was hit on this HWY when THOUSANDS of cars were at a complete stop (traffic was slow, then it gradually came to a stop).. The idiot behind me didn't notice this & hit my car so hard she bent my frame. Whats worse is that she wasn't right behind me.. I was at a dead stop for a good min or so. I remember singing to the radio as I was Bored from being stopped.. then I saw her.. watched her speeding in my direction & she didn't stop. I swear these people play too much Mario Cart (video game).

    Shouldn't be moving until Nov. 1 or Dec 1st.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    See, around here, the bars are mandated to close at 2 a.m., so by three, it's not that the roads are empty, just that they are emptier! And saner. By 6 a.m., the traffic is heavy again, heading into Boston at least!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Deep-N-Heart of Tx && My Babie's Hearts
    Many Congrats on your move.. I sure would hate to have to think of loading things up & moving.. Well around Mineral Wells the traffic is not to bad at all.. We are a smaller town of of 16,000 to 17,000 into bigger towns.. So traffic is good..

    ~~~Thank You Very Much {Kim} kimlovescats for the Grand Siggy~~~

    [[ Furr Babies are Like Potato Chips **** No One Can Have Just One ]]
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    {{{{{Everyday is a Gift = That's why it's Called the Present }}}}}
    ((( Each Day With Our Pets is a Surprise Package Waiting to be Opened )))
    <Sunsets are God's Reminder to Us That At The End of the Day We're All In This Together>

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by lvpets2002 View Post
    Many Congrats on your move.. I sure would hate to have to think of loading things up & moving.. Well around Mineral Wells the traffic is not to bad at all.. We are a smaller town of of 16,000 to 17,000 into bigger towns.. So traffic is good..
    Thank you

    I miss traffic back home. There is an avg of 9,000 pop. so there is no such things as traffic issues hehe & when I spend weeks or months WAY up north (Verner), there are 1,000 people & most are farmers spread over miles of land, so the worst thing that happens is having a herd of cows on the road hahaha

    Here is a list of all the diff animals I have to pack up & move:

    1 L & 1 XL crate/kennel:
    1 dog

    20gal tank:
    1 Tarantula

    2 large cages:
    1 Cocktiel

    5gal tank:
    3 Swordfish
    1 Fire Belly Nute - wow I forget how to spell it hahaha
    1 Unknown Shrimp - Its a Glass Shrimp with Red joints

    30gal tank:
    1 RES Turtle

    1 Common Snapping Turtle

    90gal tank:
    1 17" Black Shark
    2 4" Silver Dollars
    2 10" Common Plecos
    1 5" Brissle Nose Pleco
    1 Dwarf Frog
    1 Whiptail Catfish
    4 Corry Cats
    4 small unknown Tetras
    2 Rainbows
    2 Black Skirt Tertas
    1 Zebra Loach
    3 Couli Loach
    1 Pim Catfish
    2 Chinese Algie Eaters
    1 Swordfish
    I'm sure there are more, but I never see them, so I usually forget they are even in the tank

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