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Thread: Willow Oak

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    What a great story about Piewacket! A true example of how an animal can change a person's heart. I loved it.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Emeraldgreen View Post
    What a great story about Piewacket! A true example of how an animal can change a person's heart. I loved it.
    Yes it is. Every once in a while, though, I have to re-read Smokey, the Wiley Coyote story, then follow that up by looking at the video clip. What a beautiful puppy she was! If a person ever needs a pick-me-up, that one will do it.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    Quote Originally Posted by Willow Oak View Post
    Yes it is. Every once in a while, though, I have to re-read Smokey, the Wiley Coyote story, then follow that up by looking at the video clip. What a beautiful puppy she was! If a person ever needs a pick-me-up, that one will do it.
    Thanks Dan

  4. #124

    New Additions

    I had not mentioned it in this thread (I think) yet, but there have been two new additions to Willow Oak within the past two weeks.

    I found Grace and her pups in the middle of the road a couple of weeks ago. I kept the pups for a couple of weeks to make sure they were properly weaned, and just delivered them to the humane shelter on this Saturday past. I made the decision to allow Grace to stay at Willow Oak. Her being a large breed, black (and tan), she would be on the "unlikely to be adopted" list. Grace has become a wonderful addition. She is a beautiful pup, and the other members have accepted her as one of the family.

    Mom with her pups:

    Taz and Grace running the fence:

    I hated to have to deliver the pups to the shelter. But what else could I do?

    Here is a video of the pups running around with Mom.

    And a video of Grace's first introduction to the rest of the family:

    On this past Thursday I happened upon Willie, a black miniature daschund, who was "all alone in the wilderness," as it were. Each morning as I drive to work, I pass through the Tuscumbia Wildlife Refuge, which is about seven miles from Willow Oak, and there was Willie, 5:00 am, right in the middle of the road, waiting for me to come along.

    Normally, Willie would have made it to the shelter by now. He would be scarfed up the same day he arrived to the shelter, but Willie had other plans. He liked it so much at Willow Oak, and the other residents enjoyed his company so much that all decided that he should stay. So what else could I do?

    Willie poses for his first picture at Willow Oak:

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Willie is adorable. I cannot believe he wasn't micro-chipped, and that no one responded to any of the flyers or inquiries that you made in attempting to find his home. That is so sad. How old is he?

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    I am surprised too about Willie. He looks as though he is in good shape, so someone was taking care of him. Such a sweet face.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I have just started following some of your threads and have to say that I am hooked. I loved these videos and was smiling big at the one with the puppies. Poor Grace - no rest for the weary. Her little ones sure do love her. I am guessing that they are at the shelter now and hope that they don't have to wait too long for loving humans to come along and fill the void in their little lives since they had to leave their mommy. I am laughing at "what have you done?" LOL! Haven't we all "been there, done that!"

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by Ginger's Mom View Post
    Willie is adorable. I cannot believe he wasn't micro-chipped, and that no one responded to any of the flyers or inquiries that you made in attempting to find his home. That is so sad. How old is he?
    And I hope I don't find them. If I do they won't get him back without a fight. People who are so irresponsible as to allow their pet to wander around a swamp, more than a mile from the nearest house at 5:00 am, do not deserve to have pets.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Not sure how you are aware that it was owner neglect that caused him to get out. There are so many different things that could have happened. How old did your vet say they think he is?

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by Ginger's Mom View Post
    Willie is adorable. I cannot believe he wasn't micro-chipped, and that no one responded to any of the flyers or inquiries that you made in attempting to find his home. That is so sad. How old is he?
    Not sure how you know that he wasn't microchipped. Not sure how you know that I passed out all those flyers and made all those inquiries into making an attempt to find his home. Not sure how you found out about the trip to see my vet. How do you do it? How do you manage to know all those things?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginger's Mom View Post
    Not sure how you are aware that it was owner neglect that caused him to get out. There are so many different things that could have happened. How old did your vet say they think he is?
    If whoever his owners are had lost a [human] child the way Willie became lost (however that was) would have a difficult time explaining themselves.

    I do not know if you are well-intentioned or just a busy body. If you are well-intentioned then I shall tell you about the efforts I have made in finding his owners.

  11. #131
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Willow Oak View Post
    Not sure how you know that he wasn't microchipped. Not sure how you know that I passed out all those flyers and made all those inquiries into making an attempt to find his home. Not sure how you found out about the trip to see my vet. How do you do it? How do you manage to know all those things?.
    You are right I assumed you did them. I assume any responsible pet owner would try to reunite a well cared for dog (as Willie appears to be) with his owner. I also assume any responsible pet owner would take any new pet to the vet to make sure there are no physical needs that need to be cared for that aren't easily identifiable. I am sorry if I offended you by making those assumptions. You on the other hand were just plain rude with your busy-body/buzz off comments.
    I am surprised that you haven't already shared your efforts with us already. Do not feel the need to do so on my account.
    If whoever his owners are had lost a [human] child the way Willie became lost (however that was) would have a difficult time explaining themselves.
    You seem to indicate you do not know he was lost. How do you know they need to explain themselves? Someone else may have been caring for their dog while they are away perhaps.

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Well, Dan, at least you are doing your name calling publicy and not via PMs.

    Most folks here do post what they are doing to find owners, as a happy reunion is a good story.

    People move to another town - dog runs away - they go nuts trying to find him...many reasons why Willie could have shown up in the middle of nowhere. There are many stories sprinkled through the media about missing animals who turned up in the most unusual of ways.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  13. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by Catty1 View Post
    Well, Dan, at least you are doing your name calling publicy and not via PMs.

    Most folks here do post what they are doing to find owners, as a happy reunion is a good story.

    People move to another town - dog runs away - they go nuts trying to find him...many reasons why Willie could have shown up in the middle of nowhere. There are many stories sprinkled through the media about missing animals who turned up in the most unusual of ways.
    And you are doing what you do so well -- picking a fight in public.

    Why all the fuss over Willie and not Grace? You find the time to reprimand me for my comments to another, but you cannot find time to praise me for rescuing Grace and her six puppies.

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    My opinion about Willie

    Hey Dan, Willie does not look like a thrown away pup to me. I was sorting hoping someone would have contacted you by now, saying that they had their dog run away...blah, blah......

    I re-read the thread and didn't see any reason for the busy-body comment. Geezzze. Lighten up down there!

    We all love our pets here...and love other's pet as well....and we worry aloud about other's pets....and I suspect that is all the folks here are doing.

    We all have gotten to know you here, and hopefully, no one is trying to make you feeling uncomfortable. We do ask questions from time to time.

    Send that Willie this way, I'll take 'em! Send his long johns as well, since the temperatures here in Vermont are dropping soon!

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Yes, no name-calling on Pet Talk. We all want what is best for the animals concerned.

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