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Thread: Puppy pounder in dog house *warning-some graphic description

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada

    Puppy pounder in dog house *warning-some graphic description

    (sentencing story #2)

    Jail sought for puppy killer
    Daryl Slade, Calgary Herald
    Published: Tuesday, May 13, 2008

    A man who beat a puppy so badly it had to be euthanized should be jailed, says a prosecutor, dismissing an impassioned apology from the guilty man.

    "The most aggravating factor I identify is the extreme level of brutality involved against this defenceless animal," Crown prosecutor Gord Haight said in seeking a three- to four-month jail term for Christopher Piasentin.

    "He was hitting the dog in a rage he was in after the dog wet on the bed."

    Piasentin, 25, who previously pleaded guilty to causing pain and suffering, wiped away tears as he said there was never a question he was remorseful and took responsibility for his actions.

    "I've taken every step in ensuring I don't react this way again," Piasentin told court Monday. "I'm honestly sorry. I'd do anything to take it back."

    Defence lawyer Willie deWit, saying it was a momentary lapse, argued for a conditional jail sentence to be served in the community.

    "The incident happened and he is remorseful," said deWit. "You look for answers why you would do this. That is what he is doing."

    Minutes before Piasentin apologized, his mother, who did not give her name, told the judge she was shocked at the "extremely heinous crime" her son committed.

    She said he had no history of violence and part of the problem was a combination of alcohol, drugs and stress.

    Court previously heard Piasentin was at home with the dog, Levi, when the incident occurred Nov. 1, 2006.

    The beagle had extensive fractures, a damaged liver, bruising and lung and brain hemorrhaging, according to the veterinarian's report.

    Piasentin will be sentenced June 5.

    [email protected]

    © The Calgary Herald 2008

    Fri, June 6, 2008
    Puppy pounder in dog house
    UPDATED: 2008-06-06 04:01:22 MST

    Judge issues man house arrest and two-year ban on owning an animal for deadly beating


    The man convicted of causing deadly injuries to a defenceless puppy thanked the judge after she handed him a five-month sentence to be served under house arrest.

    Christopher Piasnetin then walked out to a waiting group of angry animal-rights activists who were at yesterday's court proceedings.

    The group of about a dozen people told Piasentin they hope he thinks of Levi, his four-month-old Beagle victim, every day and he said he does.

    "I can understand why everyone's upset," he said.

    "I can assure you I'll never be charged with anything like this again.

    "Sorry, doesn't quite cut it but I'd do anything to take it back."

    Piasentin, now 26, was convicted of causing unnecessary pain, suffering or injury to a dog after he lost his temper on little Levi.

    Court heard he was drinking heavily and doing cocaine when the puppy, who lived in the home he shared with his then-girlfriend, urinated and defecated in the basement.

    He sent a text message to his girlfriend saying he was going to kill the puppy.

    He followed up on the threat after the puppy urinated again on Piasentin who was in the bed, hitting "Levi repeatedly, so severely that the puppy was rendered unconscious, was bleeding from the nose and ... suffered injury to his lung, brain and liver," court heard.The dog was euthanized the next day.

    Crown Gord Haight was seeking a jail sentence of three to four months, arguing incarceration is necessary to send a message to society such crimes are unacceptable.

    He cited the fact Piasentin did not take Levi immediately to the vet and the extreme violence as aggravating factors.

    Defence lawyer Willie DeWit pushed for a conditional term, claiming his client has no criminal record, pleaded guilty, has been trying to deal with his addiction problems and that the brutal attack was "a momentary lapse followed immediately by profound remorse."

    As part of the sentence, provincial Judge Anne Brown ordered Piasentin to serve two years probation and gave him the maximum two-year-ban on owning an animal, and 100 hours of community service.

    Humane Society peace officer Brad Nichols said "the length is appropriate and as strict as you can get without putting him in custody ... but the severity of the sentence is minimized by serving it at home," he said.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Although it is not mentioned, I hope drug and alcohol counseling are included in his sentence as that was mentioned as a "contributing factor," and needs to be addressed.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    I agree, Karen - I sense that this tragedy scared him right back into recovery/treatment.

    "I've taken every step in ensuring I don't react this way again," Piasentin told court Monday.
    ...his client has no criminal record, pleaded guilty, has been trying to deal with his addiction problems...

    And with a clean clear head...I do believe his remorse is genuine.

    Poor puppy - RIP little Levi.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio

    "Sorry, doesn't quite cut it but I'd do anything to take it back."

    DAMM Right sorry doesn't cut it!!!

    RIP sweet puppy.

    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

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