hi my name is jodie and i ran across this site while searching for help for one of my pets. I have several cats . Three adults and two 8 week old kittens I have been raising since they were 3 or 4 days old. Theirs momma had died so I adopted them. What a chore that has been.(i am very much a cat lover) and 2 dogs. One is a rottweiler/chow mix. She is my best freind and the first dog I ever raised. The other dog is a hound/lab mix named Serious. He loves life and is the happiest dog I have ever seen. I also have a 16 month cockatail that has been hand raised. He is the reason i began searching for help. Its wonderful to have them all and to tell you the truth if i could I would have lots of aminals. I come from a small farm in northern Iowa and have always had some type of critter around. I look forward to visiting with you all in regards to our loved ones