Miss Hoppy, the best bunny in the whole wide world, has passed away just a little while ago. We had been worried, but she was just sleeping more and more and more, and had some trouble moving, and had not eaten much at all in the past day. She never appeared to be in any pain, and for that we are grateful. She was lively enough, early today when I was holding her for a snuggle, to move her head away when Paul was cleaning her nose. So we had a nice snuggle then, and she had plenty of petting today.

She was not only the best bunny in the whole world, but loved by many, including all of you, the neighborhood children (and adults), and many others who got to meet her. Her regular vet called her "The Miracle Bunny" ever since her survival from the treatment of the thymoma last fall, and remarked just last week what an intelligent and spirited rabbit she was.

We are sure it wasn't a return of the thymoma, as her heartbeat was normal (I could always feel it when I held her), and her eyes weren't bulging, and she could breathe just fine, none of which were true before the treatment this fall.

She had turned 11 sometime this week - we never knew exactly what her birthday was, but guessed because she was around 8 weeks old when we got her for my birthday in July. And, as all the books when we got her said rabbits live 5-7 or maybe 8 years, we were fortunate to have her as long as we did, and she never even acted like an "old" rabbit until the past few days.

We will miss her, I had wanted a bunny of my very own for as long as I can remember, and she was that wish come true! She taught us so much about rabbits, how smart they can be, how the proper way to pet a bunny is, how great raisins are, and countless other little things. I am sure I will see her out of the corner of my eye for years to come.

She was the smartest, best bunny in the whole wide world, and maybe the most beloved.

Run free at The Rainbow Bridge, Miss Hoppy - I am sure the fields are full of dandelion flowers and clover blossoms and all sorts of yummy grass.

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.

Karen and Paul