Oh how much I've missed this website, good grief!!! Some of you on here may remember me and some of you may not. So much has changed since my avid pet talk days. I moved out of my parents house over a year ago. I lived on my own for a while then moved in with my boyfriend last August. I no longer have any rats, they've all passed away and I can't bring myself to adopt any more. I still have Peanut and Buster my adorable bunnies and I rescued a 3rd back in September. She's a female mini rex who I just call Baby Bunny (I really named her Nibbles)- not very original - hahaha. I got her when she was about 2 months old, she was doomed to be snake food at the tiny pet shop by my apartment, when I heard the store worker say that I couldn't leave her there!!

I'm in need of some pet talk therapy! I can't wait to catch up on what I've missed and start talking to old friends again!