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Thread: Dog Breeds

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Clinton, TN, USA
    Originally posted by Mallerie23:
    I love most dogs, but the one that I can't stand is the pitt bull! they are mean! One time a pitt bull tried to bit me! Luckily I got away but I've been scared of them ever since. Got any replies on that?
    mallerie23-Pit Bulls are not mean. They just have a bad rep. It depends on the owner. If the owner treats it like a dog from HELL than it will bite you.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Auburn, Wa, USA
    I get really irritated at people who say "I cant stand Dobes/Rotts/Pitts because they are mean" Get a friggin clue would ya? I have a Dobe, and he is the most loveable mutt in the world. My brother has a Pitt, and I have never heard him so much as growl, and the same goes for my friend and his Rott. (A toy Chihuahua is trainable to be mean). Before you say that you don't like them, take the time to meet the "Viscous" dogs and see what sweethearts they can really be.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Auburn, Wa, USA
    Originally posted by Mallerie23:
    I love most dogs, but the one that I can't stand is the pitt bull! they are mean! One time a pitt bull tried to bit me! Luckily I got away but I've been scared of them ever since. Got any replies on that?
    If you got bit by a toy Chihuahua, would you think that they are mean too? The Dobes/Rotts/Pits are not mean. Originally they were bred to be, but with selective breeding the inherently aggressive traits are gone. True, they are still trainable to be mean, but you can abuse a Chinese Crested, and it will be mean also. I think that before you say you don't like them, you should meet more than 1 of a particular breed. There are some people that I don't like, but I am not going to be so closed-minded enough to say I hate all people. Give the "viscous" dogs a chance.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Fort Mill, SC, USA

    My dog is very flexible.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Fort Mill, SC, USA

    Lets try the pic again

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Cameron, ca, usa
    Will everybody just give me a break!? Just because I'm not too fond of pitt bulls, doesn't mean that I am a bad person! The dog that tried to bite me was a family dog that was raised with loving owners and two toddlers. My friend had no problems with the dog when she visited the family, but for some reason he snapped at me. Iv'e met nice rotts, dobermans, and boxers in the past, but I've never come across a nice pitt bull. And I'm mostly a big dog person! Pitt bulls were raised to be vicious, and I understand that they can be sweet. I'm just saying that I know labs and retrievers and other kinds of big dogs that weren't raised to fight, and unless you train them to be mean, they would never harm you! That's why I'm sticking to those kinds of dogs and I'd rather not take any chances on a pitt bull! Sorry if I offended you, okay? I don't like pitt bulls, and I really don't think I will ever be too fond of them. please don't judge me on what kind of dog I don't like, okay? I'm not saying that i don't like pitt bulls because i've heard of them being mean, I experienced it myself. Sorry to all of you people who hate me because of my taste in dogs!

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Okay, let's all be nicer here! We are all animal friends because of love, right? So, while we are all human and have our own biases and favorites, let's not stomp on anyone else's fellings because of theirs, okay?

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Teena.. A million thx for suggesting the hua website- I'm slowing reading the entire thing(work is intervering) and it is awesome! The pictures and the stories almost made me cry. Wish I had a million dollars for them. They are angels of mercy. It's amazing how we treat defensless living creature. thanks again. Love, Karen

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    west mifflin pa
    Daisysmom is right-bassets are not the dogs people think they are. They are not lazy stupid and necessarily fat. Unfortunately that is why so many wind up in rescue/shelters-folks don't get what they expect. Good research before buying any breed is a must. Come see my trim energetic bassets @

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    SugarLand,Tx U.S.A.
    My favorite type of dog is probabaly a mutt because not only do I have 2 mutts but I think that they are much more likely to love people then wild or purebred dogs.Although I cant pick favorites,these dogs are my favorite.


  11. #71
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Warrens, Wisconsin, USA
    It isn't the breed unless you have a poorly bred specimen. But we have to remember that our dogs are pack animals and pack behavior is nothing akin to what we see with our individual pets. In many cases pets who would never bite anyone, when out with another dog or dogs, will attack other animals or people. Instinct can take over. This is true of all dogs who are, innately, carnivores. i.e. I am a dog breeder and individually my dogs will play with the cats
    but any combination of two of the dogs and they will go after the cat. This also applies to taking runs - any one of my dogs will stay in the unfenced yard but let a second one out of the kennel and off they go!

    If people who realize the pack instinct is not extinguished in our dogs there would be fewer tragedies for people and pet owners.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Arizona USA
    My Akita Nikki lived to be 11 and died when I was a soph. in college- cancer. Two years earlier, though, she nearly died from a twisted stomach and was saved when my parents rushed her to the hospital in the middle of the night and her stomach was stapled... and she survived for two whole years after that. She was the sweetest 85 pound baby.
    My parents' Akita Chewy is three years old and the sweetest with the family, but has nipped a few people so now they just keep her separated from guests. We don't understand why she does it. Otherwise she is a 90 pound lover.
    Right now though, I am in love with my 2 year old Lab/Chow cross Anna that I adopted two months ago. Such a good baby!

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    MI, USA
    Does any one like to do flyball? I think it is really cool!

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL USA
    Sorry Mallerie...didn't mean to jump on you. I'm just such a pit bull advocate right now, I get a little upset when I hear someone say something bad about 'em! I bet you a zillion dollars, tho you'd fall in love w/my baby the minute you met him (although I am a little biased!) lol! Can anyone tell me how to put a picture in here?

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    MI, USA
    Yesterday I was at the melon fest and I saw the cueteste dog it was a miniture pinture.
    It was sooo cute!!!! She was such a sweetie and so small!

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