Quote Originally Posted by Grace View Post
I would have no problem with it - IF we then "cut" the wars/conflicts and brought every single service person home; from every single country where they are currently stationed.
I agree about the conflicts we are fighting now. I do.

But as for pulling ALL our people back form any foreign country.... I know we are losing our superpower status, but for now we still need to be able to project power. Especially when our potential opponents are increasing their ability to project.

You have some hearing loss, and chose not to avail yourself of help. That's all well and good, but what about all those troops from Iraq and Afghanistan - you know, the ones with traumatic brain injuries, loss of limbs? What about them?
These are the people who the VA should focus on. The ones who are truly disabled by their service. I just want to waste to end. My hearing loss does not prevent me from working or living a normal life. But I know that a LOT of vets do take that monthly check...

Grace, I am sure you understand how dependance can utterly ruin a person. Surely in your career you have seen it. I know it FEELS great to help those in need.... If ONLY that was the case. But no... LBJ gave us the "Great Society". HA! LBJ single handedly created GENERATIONS dependant upon their hard working neighbors. GENERATIONS of people raised in single parent homes. But, he also did get those people to vote "D", so its all good.


What do we cut then? How do we fix the almost impossible level of debt we have? I've always said that whatever the fix is, its going to hurt.