Quote Originally Posted by wombat2u2004 View Post
No it ain't, what is left after paying your dues to society is yours. And not a penny more.
Live with it old fella, because all of your whinging and whining ain't gonna make any difference.
You will pay your share, whether you like it or not, just like everyone else does.

Show of hands class.... Who agrees?


But, I DO pay my taxes Wom. A LOT of them. How much is, exactly, my "dues to society"?

And the threat... LOL. ROFL. I am SOOOOOO glad that is your idea of "freedom".


We could get into WHY I don't like how my government spends some of the money they take from us, but somehow I don't think ole' Wom is up for any kind of honest discussion. Lest he send the armed goons to my house.

Best of luck for a long and healthy life Wom.