Quote Originally Posted by Puckstop31 View Post
OK, so we KNOW the government does it. Both "sides" do it. Yet we are willing to keep on letting them do it by putting them back in office?

Grace - You think BO will get your approval to further negate the Constitution? Look, we all know that Bush is the devil and most of what he did was bad. Lets move past that and NOT put another person, just like him OR WORSE in the White House. BO is on record, many, many times now, saying that the Constitution is the problem. Not that we don't adhere to it, but that it is THE problem. If that does not scare the crap out of you.... Well, then there really is no hope and it will come, eventually, to open armed conflict. Why? Because there are way to many people who took an oath to uphold and defend that document and what it stands for... Against ALL enemies, foreign or domestic. I took that oath, to defend the document and what it stands for, not the men and women in DC raping it. I keep my word. It is not time yet, but those storms clouds are getting nasty.

If there ever was a case for a 3rd party... This election is IT.
The Constitution is not THE problem!!! It's the idiots who don't follow it. Bush had the support of Congress before he invaded Iraq, no matter what they are trying to make everyone believe now. I don't recall anywhere in the Constitution saying go invade another country if you don't like their leader!!!

If the Constitution falls, so does our country. At least it can't be amended by just one person.

By the way, I've heard the European Union is wanting to take over the banking systems of the world. Now THAT scares the bejeebers out of me.