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Thread: Just Read, Cant Think Of A Way To Put Title!

  1. #1

    Just Read, Cant Think Of A Way To Put Title!

    Okay, So My Fiance And I Have Had To Move Back In With His Parents, Yeah I Know That Is Kinda Weird But, We Have Two Yorkies, Fred (2) And Frankie (1)! They Are My Life, But Since We Have Moved Out There We Haven't Got To Be Around Them As Much As We Used To. Can They Disown Us?, Persay!? I Mean Because I Cant Get Them To Sleep With Us Anymore Or Even Lay On The Couch With Us, They Only Get Excited When His Parents Come Home And They Only Get Sad And Wine When They Leave, It Is Like They Dont Even Care About Us Anymore..can That Happen? Do They Think That His Parents Are Their New Mom And Dad? I Need Help Because This Is Honestly Worring Me Sick! I Think About It All The Time!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I would make sure you spend time with them, just you and them, every day. Even just a walk when you get home, no matter how late or tired you are, is a way to get reacquainted with them. Schedule it on your calendar if you must. Are you the one who feeds them?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    I would make sure you spend time with them, just you and them, every day. Even just a walk when you get home, no matter how late or tired you are, is a way to get reacquainted with them. Schedule it on your calendar if you must. Are you the one who feeds them?

    Hey, yes i am the one who feeds them, i water them! that is one of my main things with them, i make sure they always have food and water in their bowl, but my boyfriends dad feeds them everything he eats. for example he eats eggs for breakfast every morning, and well so do my dogs, they eat eggs and toast, if he eats a sandwich for lunch so do they. and i have asked him over and over to not feed them human food but he just wont listen, i believe that is one of the reasons why they like him so much. but i am just worried!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    I am sorry I don't understand what you are worried about. Are you planning on moving out of your in-law's house and taking the dogs with you and you are not sure how they will adjust?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ginger's Mom
    I am sorry I don't understand what you are worried about. Are you planning on moving out of your in-law's house and taking the dogs with you and you are not sure how they will adjust?

    we are planning on moving out, and i am worried that they wont adjust back to us, after the move.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    That is what I thought, but I wasn't sure.
    Dogs are actually quite adaptable. As long as you treat them kindly and make sure they get the proper food, excersize and attention/affection, I think you will find that they will adjust quite well to your new home. They know you and are already comfortable with you, so although any change in environment may take a while to adjust to, I think your move will be a fairly easy one for the pups. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by yorkielover
    Hey, yes i am the one who feeds them, i water them! that is one of my main things with them, i make sure they always have food and water in their bowl, but my boyfriends dad feeds them everything he eats. for example he eats eggs for breakfast every morning, and well so do my dogs, they eat eggs and toast, if he eats a sandwich for lunch so do they. and i have asked him over and over to not feed them human food but he just wont listen, i believe that is one of the reasons why they like him so much. but i am just worried!
    Tell him that, by feeding them so much "people" food, he is endangering their long-term health, and risking them coming down with pancreatitis if their diets are too fatty. Do you exercise the dogs by yourself each day? And I would not worry about the dogs adjusting if you ever move out - dogs are pretty flexible. I'd worry about your in-laws adjusting to the dogs being gone!
    I've Been Frosted

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    Tell him that, by feeding them so much "people" food, he is endangering their long-term health, and risking them coming down with pancreatitis if their diets are too fatty. Do you exercise the dogs by yourself each day? And I would not worry about the dogs adjusting if you ever move out - dogs are pretty flexible. I'd worry about your in-laws adjusting to the dogs being gone!

    I do not exercise them every day, well i mean i do, where we live now it is out in the woods. literally, and they have all the free roaming time they want. they are outside for most part of the day, at least 70 percent of the day, unless it is raining. but yes i do let them out, and i do play with them outside. but they just act so much differently toward me since i am not able to be around them as often. i have given examples already, but another one, Frankie he is pretty much my dog and Fred well he is my boyfriends. and before we moved in with this parents Frankie went everywhere i did, i mean he would freak out if i wouldn't let him into the bathroom with me, and now he does that toward my boyfriends mom. and it just makes me wonder if he really will adjust when we move? are there any more tips you can give me to let me know how i can help them?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by yorkielover
    I do not exercise them every day, well i mean i do, where we live now it is out in the woods. literally, and they have all the free roaming time they want. they are outside for most part of the day, at least 70 percent of the day, unless it is raining. but yes i do let them out, and i do play with them outside. but they just act so much differently toward me since i am not able to be around them as often. i have given examples already, but another one, Frankie he is pretty much my dog and Fred well he is my boyfriends. and before we moved in with this parents Frankie went everywhere i did, i mean he would freak out if i wouldn't let him into the bathroom with me, and now he does that toward my boyfriends mom. and it just makes me wonder if he really will adjust when we move? are there any more tips you can give me to let me know how i can help them?

    oh yeah, is it bad that i get soo upset when his dad, leaves them outside unattended? because right after we moved there frankie got abducted and i almost lost it, because you know these guys are like my children. and they run off all the time, but his parents think nothing of it, they say " they are dogs, and dogs will be dogs!" but they dont understand that they aren't just any dog, they are inside dogs and not mean to roam the woods hunting. you know? uhg!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    A friend and his girlfreind have 2 small dogs and they moved in with her mom for almost 2 years. During that time her mom was home during the day and they started sleeping with her and missing her when she was gone.
    They bought a place of their own a few months ago and were worried about them missing her, but once they moved out everything went back to normal.
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by pitc9
    A friend and his girlfreind have 2 small dogs and they moved in with her mom for almost 2 years. During that time her mom was home during the day and they started sleeping with her and missing her when she was gone.
    They bought a place of their own a few months ago and were worried about them missing her, but once they moved out everything went back to normal.

    oh thank u thank u thank u!!!!!!! that makes me feel a lot better!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It isn't their being outside that makes you walking them important, it is them being with YOU. And, of course, taking a walk is good exercise for both of you, and will hep with you and the dogs re-bonding. And, being terriers, I am sure they will relish the opportunity to travel outside their normal boundaries!
    I've Been Frosted

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    It isn't their being outside that makes you walking them important, it is them being with YOU. And, of course, taking a walk is good exercise for both of you, and will hep with you and the dogs re-bonding. And, being terriers, I am sure they will relish the opportunity to travel outside their normal boundaries!

    that is the thing, they dont have boundaries anymore! my fiances parents let them run around like they are a hound dog or an outside dog! and i am worried for their safety and for their health. i just dont know what to do, i just know that i want us to move so they can get back to their normal routine, or well their old normal routine.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Portage, Michigan
    I went through a similar situation with my Lab but things got better...I got my dog Sasha when I was living with a boyfriend and we raised her for the first year of her life toghether and were able to be with her alot, then we broke up and I moved out taking my darling pup with me. She was confused because I got a roomate ( a new person to live wtih) and it was quite an adjustment. because I had to work more hours and my roomate was home Sasha didn't get to see me very much and was living with a stranger so to speak and she in a sense was upset with me. She ignored me, she would sleep in my roomates room and not greet me at the door when I came home. I was really worried that it was my heres what I did.......

    When I was home I made it a point to go to her for the attention and take her out, letting her know she had all my undivided attention when I was there. I would invite her up on my bed any hours of the day not just at night and rub her belly or give her a chew toy while on the bed, to let her know that I wanted her on the bed and so that she could see it was somwhere she was welcome. Also when I first came home from work, if she wasnt at the door, which she wasnt, I would call her from the doorway and crouch down so I was at her level. She began to remember again that when I came home I wanted to see her first and foremost and would immediately grab her leash and take her out. After a lil while things are back to normal again and she is my partner in crime! She's at the door when I come home tail wagging wanting me to love on her and when its bedtime she sits right next to the bed till I get the covers situatuated and pat the bed for her to jump up and join me.

    I know its scary and worries you, but just remember no matter what situation or life change a dog goes through, your their mommy and daddy and they will always give you uncondtional love no matter what. They just have mood swings and thier own ways of telling you that they might not like the changes that happend and are taking thier own time and way to deal with that change. They will come around. Just put a little extra sugar on the love you give em'

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