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Thread: Tiger Ranch

  1. #1

    Tiger Ranch

    Tiger Ranch, run by Lin Marie, was a place that everyone and his mother took the unwanted cats they did not want to deal with or could not deal with. She is a lady to be admired. Cats reproduce very quickly. No one helped her financially. Everyone should have. If you call our shelters they will say they are all full. The cost of spaying has gotten out of hand. Rich people can afford the cost, but poor people cannot. Some will say "don't get a cat if you can't afford it". Those people have no idea what is happening in this world. There are many, many cats running around homeless. The shelters will pick up dogs, but not cats.everywhere. We just close our eyes and hope they will disappear. With Tiger Ranch gone, it is only going to get worse. I am one of the people that takes in strays. I feed them and give them love. I am poor. I have five children and I am on SSI for a disability. I have no money to get them spayed. It is only a matter of time before I become Lin Marie at Tiger Ranch. I am scared. She is being treated like a criminal because she took care of all of our cat problems. If a cat peed on your floor, you took it to Tiger Ranch. If the cat had kittens, you took it to Tiger Ranch. If your cat sprayed your front door, you took it to Tiger Ranch. If you hated the cats personality, you took it to Tiger Ranch. If the cat had fleas, you took it to Tiger Ranch. For many, many, reasons, you took your cat to Tiger Ranch. Now, Lin Marie is sitting in jail because you did not want to take responsibility for your cat. There are two kind of people that took their cat to Tiger Ranch. Some people took them because they were selfish and only thought of themselves. Some people took them because they found strays in the street or their own back yard. They did not know what to do. They went to Tiger Ranch. The people that had strays and helped them, more power to you. You did the right thing. You had no idea that it would turn out this way. For the landlords that don't allow pets, for the people who don't want to be bothered by a smelly cat litter box, for the people that got a cat for all of the wrong reasons, for people who just don't care about anyone else but themselves, your pathetic. Get off your high horse and care about something besides yourself. Every cat deserves a good home. Obviously, you should have not got a cat in the first place. To all the cat and animal lovers in this world, keep up the good work! Let's try to help Lin Marie in anyway we can. She helped all of us and tons of cats the best way she knew how. Rebecca

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    I do agree with the intentions, I believe they were good, but I kinda... agree/disagree with the cost of speutering being expensive... the cost has lowered significantly in some areas, of course some vets will still charge an arm and a leg for anything... However, when you have THAT many pets to speuter, that's when it can become ridiculously expensive, and I think that's the problem. Not that speutering is expensive, but doing so for that many animals can be VERY expensive. In my area you can have your pet fixed for around $50 or less from the humane society, which isn't really that much considering when I had Charlie neutered it cost nearly $200.


  3. #3

    RE: rebeccahowes

    What State are you in?

    I'll do a search for you because being on SSI you might be able to get low or no cost Spay/Neuter help with the cats.

  4. #4

    Tiger Ranch and Spaying

    The town that I live in demands that you first get your cats shots before they will spay. I took my male cat to the vet last year. It was 50 for the shots and another 60 for the spay. In my house, that is very expensive. People should take their one cat and get it spayed or neutred. But, in some circumstances, this is not always possible. I found four little kittens on my backyard porch a few months ago. When the wintertime came they found a way into my home through a hole in the basement. I could not turn these beautiful homeless kittens away. I could not afford to get them fixed either. I just gave them a nice loving home. Today, they are big and such pretty cats. They make me smile, but I still cannot afford to get them fixed. I was thinking about begging the vets to let me get them fixed without the shots. That I can afford. I also have the problem that I just had six brand new baby kittens that need homes; plus, the four adult cats I already had. I have no clue what to do. I love them very much but do not have the funding to help them. I was hoping that someone knew about the mobile spay unit that goes from town to town and spays cats for free. That would be awesome. If you know, let me know how to reach them. Thanks! Rebecca

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by rebeccahowes
    I was hoping that someone knew about the mobile spay unit that goes from town to town and spays cats for free. That would be awesome. If you know, let me know how to reach them. Thanks! Rebecca
    In what town and city do you live? Then we can research low-cost spay and neuter options for you.
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6

    You have my understanding

    Maybe in other states, the cost of spay/neuter has gone down, but in PA where we are overpopulated with cats...the cost has gone up. I have volunteered at Tiger Ranch, Butler County Humane Society, Grove City Pet Rescue, and a couple boarding kennels...and they are all full of animals and turning people down. I work as as a mental health worker in local, small cities and you see stray cats everywhere. The lower class families are animal lovers but can't afford the vet work and the high class families are too worried about their material things and the smell of animals to take more than one animal in and I know they can afford it. The average cost of a spay or neuter at a vet around here is between 100-200 because they add in office visit, anesthesia, antibiotics for afterwards and a one day stay at the clinic. I have six pets that are all rescues except one....and they are all one's that came to me. Kitten in my parents barn, cat in my back yard, another cat from a family who couldn't take care of it, a dog from a boss's dog house who didn't know her dog was pregnant. I didn't go looking for this was just fate. With six animals...only two I bought (chinchillas), thats $1200 to get them all fixed....I don't understand why our local vets and clinics can not come up with a spay/neuter low cost program and why our government can not give our local shelters more funding and why people are not stepping up to adopt! I rent my home and I was not suppose to have more than 2 cats...ha...that didn't happen. As I found these animals, I found some way to talk my landlord into it by keeping the house clean and always paying rent on time and I even remodeled her home by plastering, painting, and wallpapering myself. There are some ideas to suck up to your Anyway, my heart goes out to all of you who are trying and if you read the other Tiger Ranch threads, you will see my story of my encounters with her. Thanks for your input.

  7. #7

    Spay and Neuter

    I just called my local vet and it costs around $150 for the office visit, vacinations and spay. That is outrageous. I have six cats that need spayed or neutered. I called the animal pound and it costs 100 to drop off a cat over 12 weeks old and 50 for under 12 weeks. I have six kittens that are three weeks old. If you know anyone looking for kittens in the next month or so, please contact me at 724-214-2023. My name is Rebecca. I would really apprecite it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    See post #5.

    You can give Karen your location by PM so it is private.

    Let us help you - I am sure we can find something!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  9. #9

    Help with too many cats and spay or neuter

    That would be great. I can use any help available. Thanks!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Spay Neuter Clinic
    11644 Frankstown Road
    Penn Hills, Pa
    (prices as of March 2008)
    Cat neuter = $28
    Cat spay = $47

    Also try - there is a form you can fill out and they will email you a referral for low-cost spay and neuter options.
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Concordia Lutheran Home in Cabot
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    Spay Neuter Clinic
    11644 Frankstown Road
    Penn Hills, Pa
    (prices as of March 2008)
    Cat neuter = $28
    Cat spay = $47

    Also try - there is a form you can fill out and they will email you a referral for low-cost spay and neuter options.
    Karen, I live about 3 miles away from that clinic. She can PM me if she needs directions on how to get there.

  12. #12

    Help with spay

    Thank you for the information. I just filled out an application for the low cost spay and neuter.

  13. #13

    Low/No Cost Spay/Neuter programs

    * provides a list of worldwide low cost or free spay & neuter resources for pets and feral cats.

    * Call 1-888-PETS911 (1-888-738-7911) and follow the instructions, or visit Enter your zip code, click on "Go," and click on "Spay Neuter."

    * Friends of Animals offers low cost spay/neuter vouchers. Call 1-800-321-PETS (1-800-321-7387).

    * Call SPAY/USA at 1-800-248-SPAY (1-800-248-7729) between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm EST. SPAY/USA has low cost spay/neuter programs in 1,000 locations across all 50 states.

    * Visit Love That Cat! for a listing by state of low cost spay/neuter clinics.

    * Call your local humane society or animal care and control facility for information on a low cost clinic in your area. Find contact information for local groups at

    * Visit PBRC's Spay/Neuter Assistance for an application for Pit Bull Rescue Central Spay/Neuter funding and many other resources.

    * Do a search (using an engine such as Google, Yahoo!, Dogpile, Ask Jeeves, or WebCrawler) with the words "low cost spay neuter".

  14. #14

    Karen and spayneuter

    Thank you so much for the info. The prices are awesome! I will keep this in mind for future reference. Thanks for your help to all the little kitties.

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