I'm a huggy girl. I hug my mommy, daddy, toys, grammies, nanas, I hug other children, and I hug doggies and kitties! I love to hug. It's really adorable mommy said. I just think it's comfortable to hug those things you love. You have to really 'beg' a kiss out of me, but I give out hugs freely.

Have you hugged a doggie lately? Here I am hugging my doggie, Kersey. I hug my doggies (and sometimes my kitties when I'm lucky) all day long. I am just so huggy and cuddely and sweet...so are my doggies!

OK, done hugging...

well maybe not...I feel a strong urge to go back and hug my doggie again (yes these are in sequence, I do this all day long...mommy said my doggies are saints to put up with constant hugs)

After a long morning of hugging different huggable targets, I get sleepy and ready for a nap. Of course, no nap is complete without grabbing your favorite baby elmo and falling asleep hugging it. After all, it's important to keep your hugging form up. Here I am hugging my baby elmo that grammy got me for my birthday. Mommy put me in my crib and I reach out and grab it and hug it and fall asleep.

Have a huggy, cuddley, soft, squishy day filled with all things soft and lovely.



P.S. stay tuned for more threads from me. I've got LOTS to show you!