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Thread: Had it with the Food Channel...

  1. #226
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah View Post

    CJP The young man puking almost put me over the edge.

    Has anybody seen the new Barefoot Contessa shows yet?

    What exactly is that thing inside the Filet-O-Fish? It is pretty sad that some people think that's all there is to seafood. In my opinion, there is nothing better on this earth than an excellent seafood meal.
    The CJP? I think that when you intro people to food that small should be the operative word. I LOVE Oysters-but doing shooters the first time out is probably daunting for the first timers. The texture is the first hurdle!


    I am not a huge Contessa fan-I like her recipes, but she's too nice to all the people she knows-can't they cook for her once in a while? :0

    Did you ever see the commercial where they show fishermen pulling a net onto the deck of a boat, the net opens and a bunch of square fish fall out?

    The tagline was something about getting a "square of fish" in some kind of meal. I really don't know, but when I want something different I'll buy one. I am not proud to say that!

    Boullabaise, french bread and a good beer, with some oyster shooters to start? That's a seafood dinner!


    I just popped on the tube for a second and got some Nigella! I thought my love affair with her was over.....she's making a dish and pulls out an electric pepper mill! Like WTF?

    Then she did something that I just adore.....

    I have this think about KILTER. DON'T LIKE IT.

    For example? If you want to make me really nervous, put me in an Architectural Digest home. AD is a mag that focuses on really nice homes and the way they were built. They do photo layouts of the house and they are immaculate. The house looks like no one lives there. They are beautiful, but they are cold because of the way they are kept. I can see the anally retentive owners freaking out and telling you to take off your shoes and dusting you off to keep their homes clean. Anyway, I like to see things like a book, glasses and a cup of coffee on a table, a cat asleep on a couch, Pair of slippers on the rug...little messages that people do live in the house, Something out of kilter.

    So, Nigella is making a crab salad and goes about chopping up a red chili. She cuts it into little pieces, then drops it into the bowl.

    As she goes to chop up a lime for the dressing, she pulls out the knife that still has flecks of the chili on it and goes to work on it.

    I LOVE THAT. I know that sometimes you HAVE to wipe or get a new blade for the next step, but I hate the cold and clinical way that some/most of the people cook on TVFN. No, it's not surgery and there is a certain amount of care that you have to take when you cook or prepare chicken, eggs and stuff like that, but it was refreshing to see someone cook 'normally'!

  2. #227
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    Sep 2002
    I watched the Vegas episode of CJP.

    That was pretty neat to go by limo, but it was a rapper's ride, the lights and side show was a little too much-Why not rent a motor home? The ride from El Lay to Vegas is about 5 hours. Slower in a huge limo or motor home, but why not spend the money to rent a MH and then let the kids play cards, go the the RR and snack? That would have been more fun and a way to get everyone into the swing of things.

    For me it would be more tolerable that sitting in a car looking across at someone passed out in their chair.


    And here is another peeve of mine-I pay way too much attention to these programs and all the shiat that goes on during them.I love to cook and get some good ideas from the channel but I feel that they sometimes take advantage of the contestants/cooks/guests.

    Here is my view..

    CJ takes the crew to his home to see what it is like to have family.

    He then puts the kids to cook for his momma's birthday!

    WTF? Come on Chef, that was really a put off to me.

    Why not have a nice spread put out by your restaurant?

    Side note?
    The only other place I have been invited to where the hostess made me cook, clean and slave-and it was for almost a whole week- was that lady GINI-she's fun but I heard she also let people clean out her cat's boxes!

    And what is it with these kids? NO GRILLING EXPERIENCE? Half of the smog in Lost Angeles is from BBQs and homeless people setting the hills ablaze when they light up an illegal fire to cook.

    That should be one of the pre reqs to any cooking school. You have to cook a three course meal in a charcoal pit, then a gas or propane grill. THAT will separate the wheat from the chaff.

    I just watched the rerun of the CJP and the kids offered to cook at his mistake!
    Last edited by RICHARD; 11-14-2008 at 01:55 AM. Reason: a mistake!

  3. #228
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    The end of Chef Jeff was really good, Adam-sheesh, Hope he gets his head outta his rump!

    The new TVFN shows?

    Chopped? Looks like Iron Chef for Dummies!
    Guy Fieri? I was so tired of him last spring his ultimate recipe show looks like a redo of the first one! I wonder if TGI Fridays will be stealing recipes again.


    I watched the Iron Chef/Thanksgiving show last night.

    I kept a pad next to the me on the couch and wrote down some of the "LowLights" of the show.

    Tiki Barber is a grade-a, prime cut idiot-He is a freaking moron-nothing about him is entertaining, interesting or worthy of my time.

    At the end-I don't have my list near me but am going for the one I remember making me laugh- was the fried bread thing with Lou Diamond Phillips and Booby Flake. You have to watch carefully for this little car crash.

    LDP asks BF about the fried bread and if it's a Navajo (Amerind) style recipe-LDP had encountered it before.
    They cut to a shot of BF looking down and saying that he went to the reservation to learn how to make it. He looked like he was ticked off that someone had figured out what he cooked and called him on it.

    One other thing was the jalapeno peppers in cranberries? WTF was that all about?

    Special Japanese charcoal?- Go to the store and buy some mesquite charcoal and see how hot THAT burns, it does smoke but hey, maybe I have lived in Cah lee fuh nee ah too long to notice smoke?

    Pink Salt blocks? I can see people RUNNING to their computers to find out where they can spend 75 dollars for pink salt from Asia!


    I swear to george that I guessed at the prices......and sure enough! I love the text that detailed the mining operation-and nowhere does it mention the poor people being exploited with 10 cent an hour wages for getting us that cool pink salt to cook with.

  4. #229
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    lol lol lol You kill me, Richard!!!

    I watched those shows too.

    Chef Jeff finale was good. I'm still shaking my head over Adam not entering the school yet. HUH??? What the heck is he thinking? After all the hoopla from him--the crying, complaining, whining, thank yous.....what is wrong with this kid? He's given a chance like that and he blows it?
    However, I was thinking about the whole situation. Some kids would be unrehabable. If he only had them for 6 weeks, highly unlikely that they would be all 100% brand new.

    What killed me was the big deal about the chef practically offering him a job and he hasn't taken advantage of anything yet??? What the heck, most people would love to go to that school.

    Iron Chef Thanksgiving Challenge. I want to say that that show seemed to repulse me more than usual with some of the ingredients they were adding.

    Tiki Barber??? Who does he think he is? He was way too arrogant for my taste.

    Booby Flake agreeing right away with Lou Diamond Phillips......Puh leaaassseeee BF had no idea what that bread was. He was so taken aback, he just automatically agreed with him. Right away, YEA, that's Navajo bread!! He apparently forgot he was talking to a Native American Indian?? Flake hates to be upstaged.

    I loved it when the pot caught on fire but I had wished it would have been BF that was responsible.

    I was pretty repulsed by the dead geese/ducks, whatever they were. It wasn't pleasant. Thank God they were already dead. I couldn't have handled them killing them on camera. Not that they would do that.

    I was really surprised that there was a one point difference at the end. I was certain that Maurimoto and Cora's dishes paled in comparison, according to the talented Tiki Barber.

    The jalapenos and cranberries. Arby's has a sauce they give you for the jalapeno poppers called Berry....something. That's exactly what it tastes like. Cranberries and jalapenos. It is actually delicious.

    Chopped looks rather crazy. Iron Chef for Dummies--Good one!!

    What was the new one with Ted Allen? I can't get away from him on that Food Detective show. That show gives me the creeps. It reminds of a bad science show from the 80's.
    I used to like him. As an Iron Chef judge, he is just too nice.

    Lastly, but certainly not least. Richard, how did you like those spiffy chef garbs that were designed by Mark Gecko? C'mon buddy!!--You took the already existing outfits and designed identical new ones. The only changes were shiny, ugly fabrics and big old tacky buttons. Stellar job MG!!

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  5. #230
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    Sep 2002
    I am not a fashionista by any stretch of the imagination.

    Levi's and a Target t-shirt are my style. I am not a fan of clothes, especially shirts that have these mysterious logos/words that mean nothing to me.

    I go to the closeout sales at target for shirts 2/7 dollars, so tees with SOUTHPOLE Est. 1843, Ecko Ltd. rhinos and A&F sports teams that do not exist and cost more that quadruple of what I can get two of - matter of fact for 28 dollars I can get 8 t-shirts if I wait long enough for a sale.

    The 'new' look unis I had seen before, There is a neat Chinese food place in Pasadena where the hostess wears the same thing. It just has a gold pattern on a solid red color. It was much ado about nothing.


    Another thing about fashion, the other day I ran into a guy with a South Pole shirt on. I always laugh because for every NORTH POLE shirt I see, I see someone who will never see that side of the planet-and someone making money off of a marketing strategy.

    I'll have to get my list out and go over it. I did channel surf a bit during the program so I missed more highlights. I have to see GF's special...
    That should be a hoot!

  6. #231
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    Sep 2002
    I was watching some of Dear Food Network-I wonder what BF would do without CHIPOTLE.

    Everything is Southwest. UGH he just made Sweet Potatoe Soup with chipotle cream on the top......

    It's car wreck time on the food network!

  7. #232
    I still can't believe that Guy Fieri has children. I'm scared. I would not want to be those kids teacher! Unless he actually cooks more than he walks around places and eats their food, it might be ok to have him for a "room dad" to supply munchies, but other than that, I can't imagine what his kids are like (yeah, one kid was on the Thanksgiving Disasters show, and he's a cutie, but I wonder how obnoxious he really is.)

  8. #233
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by jenn_librarian View Post
    I still can't believe that Guy Fieri has
    children. I'm scared. I would not want to be those kids teacher!
    Getting them is easy, bringing them up is the kicker.

    I would never let my kids get on T.V. - the kids usually have the parents wrapped around their fingers and are allowed to do whatever is necessary to become stars! I have a niece that was into the show business thing-she is a spoiled brat already.


    I had to laugh at Giada the other day.

    She was doing her travel show and was in Florida-racing around and eating up the town.

    She went to a night club to take a salsa dancing lesson- It was a room with a stage at one end-and the teacher giving the lesson to a room full of people.

    GD is in the front row of the class and you can see she is a beat off the steps.
    I am laughing when the guy next to her stepped on or kicked her. DUDE, I got hysterical. That was one of the funnier shows I had seen in a while.

    And what is it with the hosts using props now?

    Flay and his 'drawing board' and list that he tacks to the pole, TF just pulled out a megaphone during his segment.


    The new thing that makes me want to scream is the "Everything is good with bacon".....I have heard that about 10 times in the last week....

  9. #234
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    The new thing that makes me want to scream is the "Everything is good with bacon".....I have heard that about 10 times in the last week....
    Hmmmmm.... as a bacon lover, I kinda have to agree with that statement!

  10. #235
    Join Date
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    Seward's Folly, AK
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    The new thing that makes me want to scream is the "Everything is good with bacon".....I have heard that about 10 times in the last week....

    Get yours here.
    I have a HUGE SIG!!!!

    My Dogs. Erp the Cat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Jefferson
    Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.

  11. #236
    Speaking of "everything is good with bacon", I saw Guy make this, and was actually thinking of making it for Thanksgiving, but not sure about the bacon on top of it. It almost seems like overkill for flavors.

    What do you guys think?? It's a take off of that old green bean casserole (which I hated with a passion).

    The Mean Green
    For the Beans:
    2 pounds green beans, ends trimmed, cut into 2-inch pieces (weighed prior to trimming)
    4 strips bacon, cut into 1/2-inch slices
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 large Vidalia sweet onion, 1/2 cut into large dice, 1/2 reserved
    1 medium red bell pepper, cut into 2 by 1/2-inch pieces
    4 shittake mushrooms, cut into 1/2-inch strips
    4 oyster mushrooms, cut into 1/2-inch strips
    1 tablespoon minced shallots
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked pepper
    1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

    For the Roux
    1/4 cup butter
    1 cup all-purpose flour
    2 cups milk
    1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
    1 teaspoon salt
    2 cups panko bread crumbs

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

    In a large pot of boiling water, blanch green beans. Remove to an ice bath until cool, drain and let dry. Lightly butter a 13 by 9 by 2-inch glass baking dish.

    In a large frying pan, over medium-high heat, saute bacon until lightly crispy, remove bacon to a paper towel lined plate to drain. In remaining bacon fat, add 1 tablespoon olive oil, heat over medium-high heat, add onions and saute until just starting to caramelize, add in red bell peppers, saute 2 minutes, add in mushrooms and minced shallot and saute for 2
    more minutes. Season with the salt, pepper and cayenne. Set aside.

    For the roux:
    In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. When butter is melted, add in flour, all at once and stir vigorously with a wooden spoon until well combined. Continue to stir for 1 minute more. Add in milk 1/2 cup at first, stirring well to combine, then add 1 cup more milk, stir to combine and bring to a simmer, then add final 1/2 cup of milk and stir and simmer until thickened. Add in seasonings, combine with green bean mixture and pour into prepared pan. Top with 1 1/2 cups panko crumbs, then reserved bacon, then remainder of panko lightly sprinkled on top.

    Place in oven, set timer for 35 minutes.

    For the Topping
    1/2 cup buttermilk
    Reserved 1/2 Vidalia onion, thinly sliced, with a mandoline
    3 medium shallots, thinly sliced with a mandoline
    1 cup all-purpose flour
    1 teaspoon granulated garlic
    1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
    1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt
    1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
    4 cups canola oil

    In a medium bowl place buttermilk, onion, and shallots. Let sit 10 minutes, drain well.
    In a medium bowl, combine flour and seasonings. When green beans have been in the oven 25 minutes, in a large frying pan, heat canola oil to 350 degrees F. While oil is heating, dredge drained onion and shallots in flour mixture. Drop carefully into the hot oil, 1/3 at a time. They will cook rapidly, 1 minute or less. Turn over if necessary. Remove and drain on paper towels. Let oil heat between batches. When timer goes off for green beans, take out of oven, top with onion-shallot mixture, evenly coating the casserole, place back into oven and continue to cook for 5 more minutes. Remove and let set 5 minutes before serving.

  12. #237
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post

    Get yours here.

    LOLOLOL, Now I have to try THAT!

    I like bacon too, but when it comes on hamburgers and covered in chocolate
    that kinda creeps me out.

    I love pork- the best way to eat a pig is BBQed in a pit, the second best way is spit roasted. At one of our "international days" at work the Phillipino table did a suckling pig and the skin was so perfect. Just the right amount of crunch and flavor......Man was that good!

    Bacon has it's place in my heart. And in my arteries too!
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

  13. #238
    Bacon salt! Now there is a yummy must have!!

  14. #239
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Wow, I clicked the link, and

    "Bacon Salt is a zero calorie, zero fat, vegetarian and kosher seasoning that makes everything taste like bacon."

    So of course it has stuff in it that I'm allergic to, sigh. (Garlic and paprika)

    I knew it sounded too good to be true!

    I'm not allergic to bacon, though, so all is not lost, I'll still just have to watch calories, etc.

  15. #240
    Did you see the Bacon Lip Balm?! OMG, lol, that's too funny!!

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