Hello, I'm new to this site, and I hope this posting is ok. There is a website that is conducting a Million Dollar Shelter Makeover for the shelter with the most points. Also, the top 19 shelters will receive $5000. This website does not sell any emails and it's free to sign up. There are over 3900 shelters nationwide that have signed up at this website.

The way it works is for every person that registers and picks the shelter they would like to support, that shelter gains 100pts, you can also gain more points for your shelter by reviewing pet products and services, uploading pictures, and referring other people.

I am not asking you to pick my shelter, but if you are interested in helping YOUR shelter or organization and wish to sign up, all I ask is that you sign up from my link, so that my shelter will at least receive the 100 referral points.

Thanks for your support, and here is the link: