my goldendoodle is 9 months old, and full of energy, but when he is excited he sometimes pinches with his teeth on my arm or play bites my hands, will they grow out of this, or is there something we can do, i tell no bite and then when he licks my hand i praise him and say good boy, but then he goes back to nipping, we also have been trying to let him out of his crate when we are gone just for a couple of hours, but he likes to chew the carpet, not a lot just a little, but we are afriad to leave him out of his crate unsupervised, is there a trick to it, or do we need to wait til he gets a little older, just a few questions, i have never had a goldendoodle before, i love him with all my heart, great gentle soul, just wanting to know if it is just puppy behavior or if we need to do something?