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Thread: [Dear You. . .]

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    [Dear You. . .]

    [This is a thread based off of the LiveJournal community called dearyou. This is where you write a letter to someone (you don't have to mention who, it can be to anyone you know, online or not) and spill your feelings. Maybe it's something you can't say to them in person... but write it out here, and get it off your chest. Post as often as you want.]

    Dear Dad,

    You continue to unknowingly break my heart every day. I'm happy that you are happy with your fiancee, but I can't stand her. She has changed you in so many ways... I can't begin to count. I want my dad back, I want my best friend back. I want YOU back.

    I feel as though I'm being kicked out of my own house. I've started staying with mom sometimes, and recently, you asked me to move out of my room and into the makeshift room you guys made for Katlynn, your soon-to-be stepdaughter. The makeshift room consists of two standing room dividers and three walls... a decent sized "room".

    But kicking me out so Katlynn can have privacy? What about me? What about YOUR DAUGHTER? I'm sorry, she isn't your daughter. You said, "She needs privacy. Besides, all you do is sleep here."

    I started to cry, but you had already walked away. I'm not even allowed a bedroom anymore because "I'm only here to sleep".

    You aren't the daddy you used to be.

    I miss you.

    Your beyond heartbroken daughter.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    Did you write this letter or are you just telling us about the website?
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    I think she wrote the letter...and the site is a 'safe' place to write it.

    ILMAG - this comes from your broken heart.

    I know you and your dad were closer once. Have you considered giving him a copy of this letter?

    With maybe one change, like here: "You continue to unknowingly break my heart every day. I'm happy that you are happy with your fiancee, but it seems like you have changed in so many ways since you have been with her... I can't begin to count. I want my dad back, I want my best friend back. I want YOU back."

    This way, you are saying how your dad has changed, and not blaming someone else for it - so it puts the response on him to answer you (and keeps hard feelings from getting in the way )

    He may not really know exactly how you feel, and this tells the story, clearly. Think about it, k?

    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    You should give that letter to your dad. That should honestly give him a insight of what he's forgotten to be, to you..

    I will write a letter, to my grandmother I lost in 1999.

    Here I go:

    Dear Nana:

    It's been 9 years since the day I lost you. I miss you every day, and it seems like just yesterday that I was giving you a hug goodbye, not knowing it was my last time to see you. You are my guardian angel, I know you are by my side at all times, no matter where I am.

    So much have happened in my life since you left to be in a better place. I turned 16, I got my driver's license at 17, I graduated from high school. I attended college, and now I am about to graduate either next Winter or Spring quarter. I sure wish you could be here to see me get my diploma at Ohio State.

    I sometime would like to think you sent Mike to me. He is such a wonderful guy. You should see him with me. He is so good to me, I realize how lucky I am every time I am able to be with him. I visited you at Holy Cross on the 4th of July, and Mike was with me. I could have never done it without him. I couldn't face to say hi and have a talk with you for 9 years until he said he would take me. You'd love him. He's a Irish. He even got me to eat corn beef and a little bit of cabbage on St. Patrick's Day. Remember how you used to try to get me to eat that when I was little? He has succeeded, haha. Mom and Dad likes him a lot, Rory and Tyler thinks he's the one for me. I think he is the one for me, it is in my gut that is telling me so. He will be meeting most of everyone at the family reunion next Sunday. I am excited to have him meet everyone, like Aunt Eileen, Aunt Collen, Uncle Bob and Aunt Sissy, and Papa, too. Papa likes him, too. He has met him a couple times.

    So, I hope you are happy wherever you are now. I know you are, 100% pain free and back to health. I think of you daily, and I know you are watching over me.

    I miss and love you so much, I cannot wait until the day I see you again.

    Love you,

    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Shhh it's a secret;)
    You really hurt me and I can't even tell you how much. I feel lame for writing you but when I try to talk to you it doesn't come out right. You literally broke up with me for no reason and I'll never understand why. I feel so stupid and rejected right now. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, just make myself feel better. You were so sweet to me and seemed to care a lot. Talking about our relationship, you made me feel like we were going to be together for a long time. You talked about this summer and even your birthday. I honestly didn't want to be with anyone else but you. I still don't actually, and that hurts even more. I was so ready to love you and just be with you. I wanted to give you all of me emotionally (and I guess that was one of the reason you dumped me.) I was ready to be serious and you weren't, you seemed like it for awhile, so why and how can you just changed will bother me so much. You're one of my best friends maybe not like Heather, Rachel, or Kristen but you're still so important to me. I don't even feel like you care about the break up, honestly I think it's affecting me more than you. I asked you if you thought you were falling in love with me and you said yes. This isn't what you do when you care about something like that. Something is wrong with this all. I honestly believe you're hiding something from me. Whether it's another girl, sexual problem, or some other problem. I just want you to be honest with me and let me know what's really going on. I also want you to know that you could have just talked to me and we would have figured it out togehter. I understand your not having feelings for me, what I can't understand is why they went away. I trusted you to never hurt me and I know your there for me to make me feel better, but right now I'm at my worst and there's nothing you can do because you're the reason why I'm so upset right now. Maybe if I hated you or if I was mad at you for it, it would make this all easier. But the thing is I don't. I don't know why but I don't. I guess a part of me hates you but in the end it's just pain. My friends have been trying to help me by keeping me busy and talking to me, all I really want is to talk to you though. That's honestly when I feel better. I meant it when I said that you were the good in my life and thought you felt the same or something similiar. Maybe we did rush into things and maybe we shouldn't have done some of the stuff, but I don't regret any of it. I felt safe with you and comfortable. I did stuff I had never done with anyone before and I felt ok about it all. I still believe that I would be with you again eventually. But I'm scared now, if we do end up together again I can't handle being hurt like this again. I'm also scared that we won't be back together again. It took us so long to get together, we talked and really got to know each other. You told me that I was the one you really wnated to talk to when you got online and I felt the same. I'm not trying to get you to take me back but when you can I just want a better explanation. Because it's bull that you can just up and leave because "you don't know" I feel like this is an ending, not of us but of my grieving. Not completely either but of me being completely miserable. I promised I would never let myself cry over a guy and I had my guard up with you for a really long time, when I let it down I was so scared but then you made me trust you and I did. I guess I will never really understand all of this and I don't think I'll ever really be over this. You were my first serious boyfriend and you'll always have a part of me I can't take back. even if we did stop talking, I'd always remember you. I don't want to lose you, Matt, and even though it's really going to hurt to see you just as a friend, I'd so much rather see you as just a friend then never see you again. I don't know how much trust I have in you anymore and I want to trust that you will still be my friend, there is just so much doubt in that. I guess when I see you in person will really be the test. I guess it was pretty pointless to write you and I don't think I see anything coming out of this but I just felt like I had to do it. I've cried so much that tears aren't even coming out anymore, I never thought that was possible. Once again I just don't understand and thats what hurts the most. I still want you and I feel like you aren't even giving me a chance. I know we can't have a relationship when just one person wants it, but we did both really want it for awhile. And I'm sorry if this made you feel bad, I didn't want it to. I just want you to understand how I feel. Please still be my friend and actually come see me in person. I promise not to talk about this anymore. I really shouldn't be feeling bad about this, but I do and I don't know when I'm going to feel better. But I gues I'll just end this now and start moving on. I know i'm strong and I get through this, it just doesn't make it any easier. Take Care.

    Your Friend, Megan
    "To all the dogs I've loved before...Who traveled in & out my door...I'm glad you came along...I dedicate this song to all the dogs I've loved before"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    North Carolina, United States

    I love you with all my heart. When I left I thought their were prettier pastures. I only found emptiness. No one was you. No matter how hard I tried. One year I was gone, six months of it without a single word from you. When I saw you again it was almost too much to bear.

    Now that we're together again I can't picture myself with anyone else. I want to be your one and only til the day I die. I wish you could believe me when I tell you such. I wish you were more secure with the love we have. I know I've hurt you before. I've lied and turned your life upside down. I just hope someday you'll come to believe that I'll never let you down again. You are my best friend. You are my soulmate. You mend all the broken pieces inside me. You are more important to me than friends and my family. With you by my side I feel that anything is possible. I live you more and more as the days go by. I know I don't show it as much as you wish I would but take pleasure in knowing that your the only one in my heart.

    Forever Yours,

    Critter Mom to: Zoe-Rott/Pit Mix, Chloe- Persian, Lisa & Lola-Hermit Crabs, COMING SOON Pinky Pie-Cornsnake

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    not to hijack...just if anyone wants to check this's been quiet there, but lots of folks who were hurting from breakups came through it. Lurk and read the first post for some notes from the 'oldtimers'.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dear... anyone,

    I'm watching Transformers.

    The last time I watched this was with Jay...

    PLEASE please please make the memories stop and make me STOP wanting him so badly right now.

    Please please go away.



    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Transformers is a fun movie - too fun to associate with someone icky. Remember that the person Jay showed you was a lie, and the real Jay is someone you'd not want to touch with an eleven-foot pole.
    I've Been Frosted

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vicenza, Italy
    Dear Megan,

    Transformers always reminds me of when my brother was little and all the funny things he used to do. Like once my mom was dating this guy Cyril and he and her were having an arguement. My little brother who was 4 at the time jumped on Cyril's back and clocked him on the head with his Optimus Prime and yelled 'Cereal (he couldn't say Cyril) you are a decepticon and Prime sended me to desroy you!' It was too funny!!!

    My brother could not say a lot of things clearly and it was so funny and cute...I remember he used to love Transformers, He-Man and The Smurfs. One thing that always comes up in my mind was the way he used to say smurfs. He couldn't pronouce the sm sound so instead of them being smurfs they were FURFS. Always makes me smile.

    My point is I know how much your little brother means to you so maybe when you get to thinking about you know who (we don't need to say his name) you can think about some cute things your little brother has said and done and it can help you and give you a smile.

    Thinking of you. A eager ear is always near.


    My rainbow bridge babies have forever left their paw prints on my heart.
    Lilith & Vixen, taken too soon. I love you always.

    Signatures, avatars & blinkies if anyone wants one pm me with color,
    font and background preference and with pics and names of pets.

    Lilith's Catster Page Vixen's Catster Page

    Vote for my furry ones on the cat & dog channels
    Vixen, Bella, Vega, Frost, Phoenix & Artica

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dear... conscience,

    You did pretty well watching Transformers. You thought about how every time Jay would see that yellow Camaro he would say, "God, what a hot f***ing car!" and I would laugh because that's all he really cared about. You thought about how he would light a cigarette halfway through because he was nervous about screwing things up with me...


    For a split second, my mind told me I HAD to go visit him at jail tomorrow. I had to.

    But I shouldn't.

    Please start making sense soon.



    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Shhh it's a secret;)
    Dear Matt,

    I miss you.
    Not a day goes by that I haven't cried at least once. I wish you would call me.

    Just your friend, Megan

    Dear Kristen,

    Why can't you understand? Will you please stop bad mouthing Matt and telling me to just get over it, I know you hate him because of all this but still it hurts more to hear bad things about him. Please just be there for me and let me talk without rolling your eyes. I can't help but still be upset he was and is very important to me. I know you can't really understand because you've never been in my position before and I can't exactly explain it to you but it's going to take me longer than a week to get over him. I honestly hope this never happens to you because it is truly heart breaking.

    Love you lots! Megan

    P.S. I did actually enjoy when you changed his name in my cell to A*s Face and that's what I saw when I opened my text hehe so horrible!
    "To all the dogs I've loved before...Who traveled in & out my door...I'm glad you came along...I dedicate this song to all the dogs I've loved before"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dear Ryan,

    We're going on a date tomorrow. Well, today, technically. I'm kind of nervous, because... well, I haven't "gone on a date" since the time I went to a movie with Jay.

    Please be patient with me. I like you as a person, but I don't know if I'd like to date you yet. I have a really hard time trusting people, so don't expect me to be your best friend in the whole world by tomorrow night. Tonight, I mean. (It's past midnight, )

    I will most likely try to push you away before I get attached to you. I've done that to everyone. If you want to stick around, stick around. Just please bear with me.


    Here goes nothing.



    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dear Justin,

    I'm starting to fall for you again.

    But I don't want to date you, you aren't my type at all.

    Please don't make this hard for me.



    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Dear Potential House,

    Please don't disappoint us like the last two houses- let us be the only ones making an offer! If our offer is accepted, we would plant some more trees in the yard to give you shade, and make sure you were taken care of.

    Please please please let us be your new owners! You would never be lonely and we love your bright blue paint!


    A hopeful home-owner to be

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