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Thread: Random facts about yourself.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Random facts about yourself.

    Saw this on a different forum

    -I have terrible gammar and can't spell but I hate when I see other people do it.
    -I'm very afraid of sharp things like knives and scissors.
    -I can read things that are upside down and backwards the same way I can read forwards
    -I have a terrible short term memory and can't remember important things, but I always remember every detail of stupid things that happened. I still remember every detail about some things when I was very young (4+).
    -I laugh when people get mad even when I don't think it's funny, unless I'm getting yelled at.
    -I have asthma
    -I was highly allergic to cats when I was younger and now have 5.
    -I'm allergic to the cold.
    -I love to argue (surprise surprise)
    -I have a really good photographic memory
    -I'm paranoid about alot of thing
    -I have a terrible temper (again no surprise here)
    -I have a 25 degree curve in my back and have scoliosis
    -I'm allergic to rum,whiskey and vodka.
    -I'm very afraid of the dark
    -I can't sleep unless my tv is on
    -I have slept with the same teddy since I was 7 and the only place I can sleep without it is my bf's.
    -The doctors thought I was going to be a midget or mentally handicaped
    -I'm very shy until I get to know people but have no problem speaking my mind to strangers if I don't agree with them
    -I'm very lazy but a very hard worker
    -I have a mix of a english and texan accent of which I have no clue where I picked it up from. (My parents are english but I dont know anyone who is from Texas)
    -I hate chocolate,cake,doughnuts or anything associated with those things
    -I LOVE hairless animals but hate bald men.
    Last edited by buttercup132; 02-02-2008 at 07:20 PM.
    See ALL my pets here


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I can't fall asleep without the tv either.

    You made me laugh when you said you are very lazy but a hard worker, I feel like that sometimes
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sask. Canada
    lol, you sound very similer to me! lets see:

    -I have terrible gammar and can't spell but I hate when I see other people do it.
    -I can read things that are upside down and backwards the same way I can read forwards
    -I have a terrible short term memory and can't remember important things, but I always remember every detail of stupid things that happened. I still remember every detail about some things when I was very young (4+).
    -I laugh when people get mad even when I don't think it's funny, unless I'm getting yelled at.
    -I have asthma
    -I love to argue (surprise surprise)
    -I'm paranoid about alot of thing
    -I have a terrible temper (again no surprise here)
    -I can't sleep unless my tv is on
    -I'm very shy until I get to know people but have no problem speaking my mind to strangers if I don't agree with them
    -I'm very lazy but a very hard worker

    all of these apply to me as well lol. added to that for me is:

    -I am 20 years old and cant drive, nor do I have any desire whatsoever to learn
    -I am afraid of fire, anything that involves an open flame I wont go near. I even get really nervous when my mom lights the fireplace.
    -I Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder, as does both my mom and my brother.
    -I HATE the phone. if I dont recignize the name on the ID, I will NOT pick it up, and I will exshaust all other options before I am willing to phone anyone. een things that legaly require ME to phone, I have often had friends call for me pretending to be me.
    -I have Rosasea, and combined with that I have incredably pale skin with a pink undertone, PLUS my social anxiety, it all adds up to mean that I turn bright red extremly easily, and often for no appearent reason because one of my triggers is anxiety...I have an anxiety do the math lol.
    -I am nice almost to a fault, I am able to forgive pretty much anything, and while I often get angry, its really doesnt last, and the anger is never deep.
    -I am very strong willed and opinionated, but I am also a total goof off, upon first meeting me everyone always assumes I am a geek, that did nothing but sit at home studying or something. in reality my binders were almost entirly doodles, and I only ever did enugh to pass.
    -I am 100% devoted to my animals, I am seriously obbessed, I make extremly little money, but I refuse to settle for anything less then the best for my animals, they are all I talk about, I have virtually no other interests lol
    Mom to:
    Misty-10 year old BC Happy-12 year old BC Electra-6 year old Toller Rusty- 9 year old JRT X Gem and Gypsy- 10 month ACD X's Toivo-8 year old pearl 'Tiel Marley- 3 year old whiteface Cinnamon pearl 'Tiel Jenny- the rescue bunny Peepers the Dwarf Hotot Miami- T. Marcianus

    "sister" to:

    Perky-13 year old mix Ripley-11 year old mix

    and the Prairie Clan Gerbils

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    -I have a photographic memory and an EXTREMELY good memory all around.
    -If you do something to really get me mad, and keep it up after I tell you to stop, you will not like to be around me after I give you sevral chances and you don't stop.
    -I'm dyslexic and have ADHD
    -I know almost everyone
    -I want to be a zoo educator or work with apes or elephants

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    *I love to make people laugh, but I don’t like to be laughed at.
    *I have a great memory when it comes to numbers, dates and names, but I can’t remember the details of a conversation to save my life. (good thing I work in accounting)
    *I do not like spicy/hot foods, seafood or onions, and peppers.
    *I can do weird tricks with my eyes.
    *I hate to be startled or scared (that’s why I hate horror movies).
    *I love to watch surgeries on TV. (Bruce hates it, lol)
    *My desk at work is completely clean while my desk at home is a MESS!
    *I might have a touch of OCD. I get irritated if things are not put back in the same place each time. (obviously not the case with my desk)
    *I am extremely physically flexible (even though I’m a little overweight).
    *I talk and laugh a lot (and sometimes loudly!).
    *When I have no expression on my face it looks like I’m pissed off when I’m not. My brother is the same way.
    *I HATE grasshoppers and crickets.
    *I was extremely shy as a child....not so much anymore.
    Our goal in life should be - to be as good a person as our dog thinks we are.

    Thank you for the siggy, Michelle!

    Cindy (Human) - Taz (RB Tabby) - Zoee (RB Australian Shepherd) - Paizly (Dilute Tortie) - Taggart (Aussie Mix) - Jax (Brown & White Tabby), - Zeplyn (Cattle Dog Mix)

  6. #6
    Here' goes:
    - I seriously cringe when people pronounce soil like "sull"... at times the southern accent is like a completely different language.
    - People around here are surprised that my accent isn't like theirs despite the fact that I'm southern-fried.
    - Since Johnny Cash died(2003) I haven't listened to country music.
    -When I am driving alone, I talk as if there is someone in the passenger seat. Lets just say it helps me concentrate, eventhough I am a self-proclaimed terrible driver.
    - Everytime I try to spell "new", I always find myself wanting to spell it like: "gnu"... like an antelope.
    - My philosophy in life is that "I'll learn it the hard way."
    - When I was daycare-age everyone thought I was Asian.
    - I type normal, but I handwrite from right to left.
    - I'm terrible at explaining things.
    - Rabbit teeth scare me.
    - The earliest memories I have are of my dad singing Queen songs to me. :]
    - Cats, especially strays, have an odd fondness of me. I don't quite understand this...
    - I am 100% against drinking alcoholic beverages.
    - My memory is the worst.
    - I am one of the pickiest eaters you will ever know.
    - The one word that I admit to overusing is "rad".
    - I love (love love love!) adrenaline rushes.
    - Road-rash should have been my middle name. If only you knew the kinds of longboarding accidents I have been in..

    - I'm against the breeding of any kind of mutt or animals with mutations of their natural color. This bothers me most when it comes to birds. Thats why the two that I have purchased from breeders both sport feathers of their ancestor's natural color.
    Last edited by Chilli; 02-03-2008 at 07:53 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    - I'm the only one of my siblings with blue eyes
    - I have such weird food allergies that people have a hard time trying to feed me - and they have all developed in the last ten years - before that I had NONE!
    - My second toe is longer than my "big" toe.
    - Misuse of apostrophes - especially in printed signage - drives me crazy!
    - I love winter even though I do not ski
    - I am half deaf - my right ear is only good for holding up my glasses
    - That's because I had brain surgery - an acoustic neuroma removed, and because of that ...
    - I have seen my brain in slices! (MRI results - wicked cool)
    I've Been Frosted

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    -I can read things that are upside down and backwards the same way I can read forwards
    -I am allergic to cats and now have 8 plus 2 foster kittens.
    -I have a really good photographic memory
    -I have a terrible temper (again no surprise here)
    -I'm allergic to beer; but can drink and enjoy Guinness.
    -I have slept with a small stuffed gray elephant with red corduroy ears until well into my twenties. I still have it; name is Ellie Phant.
    - I am afraid of fire, and almost had the gas range in this house replaced with an electric one when I bought the house. Learned to cope, but very nervous with it even now, after 6 years.
    - I LOVE to cook; hate to clean up; manage to make the kitchen look like a tornado went through it almost every meal. But the food is DELICIOUS!
    - you can explain something to me a thousand times; maybe I will get it maybe not.Show me how to do it and I get first time through.
    - I have the well known short fuse Sicilian temper.
    - I am afraid of spiders.
    - I cannot watch scary movies, I have nightmares for weeks afterwards. Haven't watched one since I was about 6!
    - I can't walk into a hospital without fainting. So if you are ever in hospital and I come visit, you will know the funeral director is right behind me. 9makes taking Dad to the ER a major challenge and often a nurse has to help me.)
    - I can't deal with blood or discussions of blood, surgeries, that type thing. When Dad had some periodontal work done 2 years back, the dentist called me in to explain what Dad needed to do with applying some gel and a gauze pad and I passed out. (Dr. said it was the first time in over 30 years he ever had to treat a patient's caregiver.) I've passed out listening to someone at work explaining their surgery -- to someone ELSE.
    - I am stubborn; but since I am always right, it is OK.
    - I am known for my honesty, among friends, and at work; and I can't tolerate a liar.
    - I took ballet from ages 3 to 6 and was never able to do a split. I am NOT a limber person.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    In my garden
    * For my height, my legs are comparatively long and my arms comparatively short, so I've never been able to touch my toes without bending my knees a little.
    * Like Karen, my second toe is longer than my big toe. I didn't like this until I learned Anna Pavlova (famous Russian ballerina) had the same "problem".
    * I hate rings, can't stand having them on my fingers, so I didn't have a wedding ring when I married.
    * I forget people's names within 1 second of hearing them but can remember the details of conversations for weeks.
    * I have a green thumb and a natural talent for garden design, though I don't use either now that I'm so intensely involved in fostering cats.
    * I've never known what I wanted to do as a career, and I'm close to retirement age so it's no use figuring it out now.
    * I learned to read easily and have been a reader since age 5. I'll read anything - care repair manuals, phone directories, cereal packets, etc. rather than read nothing.
    * I am somewhat afraid of electricity and it's the only type of home repair I won't try to do myself.
    * I find most social situations fairly easy to deal with but I'm inclined to find most people boring very quickly (and I accept that I must bore most people).
    * While I have adjusted to most American grammar rules, I cannot bring myself to put the period inside the quotation marks or brackets/parentheses.
    * I have a very quirky sense of humor and enjoy word play.
    * When I was 20, I spent an entire year reading no other literature except plays.
    * I once had 5 boyfriends at the same time, just to see if I could do it. Now I'd rather spend the evening with my cats than go out on a date.
    * My favorite fruits are raspberries, Bosc pears, figs and ataulfo mango. My favorite vegetables are parsnips and leeks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    * I once had 5 boyfriends at the same time, just to see if I could do it. Now I'd rather spend the evening with my cats than go out on a date.
    Now that is a weird random fact!
    See ALL my pets here


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    -I hate to cook so I use the microwave for almost everything.
    -I'm shy at first until I get to know the person but I can talk about my cats to any one.
    -I usually screen all of my phone calls because I hate to be bothered by people that I don't know.
    -I'm a fairly good speller and it drives me crazy to see words misspelled.
    -I don't like driving long distances.
    -I don't like driving at night because I have poor night vision.
    -I spend more money on my cats than I do on myself. They come first.
    -I'm still in debt and will probably be my whole life.
    -I make very little money for someone living in California.
    -I hate my job but I like my boss and co-workers.
    -I'm a very light sleeper and I never sleep through the night.
    -I'm not a morning person.
    -I've never been married and I don't have any children.
    -I don't have my tonsils or appendix anymore.
    -I'm afraid of heights.
    -I don't drink alcohol any more.
    -I love most desserts.
    -I hate all bugs.
    -I've been told that I'm a good listener and that I have a very good memory.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    In my garden
    Quote Originally Posted by buttercup132
    Now that is a weird random fact!

    I thought it would be fun but it was exhausting since I had to go out every single evening. And it was confusing because I couldn't remember what I'd talked about to each one so I'd get myself in a muddle.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    NorthEast, now in the Northwest
    Okay, here goes....
    ~I've been in the Navy for 10 years, tired of it, and am joining the Army
    ~I've been married twice, this time it's for life, first time was for being young and dumb
    ~Grew up with three basset hounds (parents dogs), swore I would never own a dog so stubborn, and now I am in love with mine...
    ~I love all vegetables (bring on the brussel sprouts), but won't go near cauliflower
    ~I am addicted to pizza rolls... yummy
    ~I have a ridiculous fear of snakes and worms, but I am studying to be a veterinarian.
    ~I truly believe in human euthanasia as a way to end suffering in humans that are terminal, and only if that's what they truly believe it's what they want
    ~I would rather spend money on other people, or my pets, than myself
    ~I can't leave the house without a hairbrush, but barely ever wear make-up
    ~I want to lose weight, but lack the motivation to start... ugh, lifelong battle
    ~I've always secretly wanted to be a fighter pilot!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Quote Originally Posted by Lizzie
    * I forget people's names within 1 second of hearing them but can remember the details of conversations for weeks.

    * I've never known what I wanted to do as a career, and I'm close to retirement age so it's no use figuring it out now.
    I am enjoy this thread so much! These two things that Lizzie mentioned are soooo me.

    1. My favorite subjects in school were English-related topics - spelling, grammar, reading books.
    2. I love to travel although have never gotten to do very much of it and that is a regret.
    3. I can't understand manuals or written directions. I need someone to show me how to do something.
    4. I love working in the yard, planting, etc. Must have not gotten enough time in as a kid making mud pies.
    5. I am orderly and organized almost to a fault. My closets have like things together and are grouped by color.
    6. I have always loved animals, most especially dogs since I was very young.
    7. One of my first words was Vacum. I was trying to pronounce vacuum cleaner. My parents named our dog Vacum so that I would be able to call him.
    8. I like most foods but hate the taste and smell of liver. Hubby likes it and I have only cooked it for him once after decades of marriage.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats
    Wow, this is a great thread.

    Okay, let's see now...

    I get bored easily
    I adore the many friends I have made here on PT
    I love to help other people, albeit elderly, little kids, anyone who looks like they can use my help.
    I enjoy talking to the customers at work (aside from that last a-hole a few nights ago)
    I love watching tv (part of being bored)
    I suffer from manic depression. I hate that I have absolutely no control over it (chemical imbalance in the brain)
    I have short term memory loss (must've been all those years of my youth, if you know what I mean). It's gotten worse these days and is VERY frustrating (like looking all over the place for your cellphone while you're actually talking on it...DUH!
    I adore my cats. They are my lifeline.
    When I'm depressed (which is alot lately, it seems), I love going to church for the peace and serenity, and to get things off my chest.
    I love playing Scrabble (keeps my mind or what little mind I have left active)
    I love crew meets (my brother is a crew (rowing) coach
    I love Pet Talk. It's saved my life.
    I love sailing.
    I adore my brother and wish he lived closed (he's out in North Carolina)
    I love writing.
    I'm afraid of snakes
    I'm afraid of drowning
    I'm scared of dying
    I speak my mind and tell it like it is
    I love driving to Bolton Lake and sitting there for hours, either reading, or listening to my iPod. It's been my favorite place since I was a child.
    I love taking the train to NYC and walking around.
    I'm disorganized.
    I'm a slob (hey, I live alone, okay???)
    I love to cook
    I hate it when I'm feeling sad (that's my depression again) and someone idiot will say, "Oh, come on, get over it. Pull yourself up and move on). If ONLY it were that easy. Or they ask me what's bothering me. I don't KNOW what's bothering me, and that's why I'm on medication.
    Stupid people piss me off.
    I am impatient.
    I'm very greatful that God saw something in me to make me want to live.

    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


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