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Thread: Getting totally fed up with my neighborhood

  1. #1

    Getting totally fed up with my neighborhood

    I went out to get my mail today on my front porch, and I notice that the cat carrier that I had behind a chair, covered with a blanket, for a local stray, is GONE. The carrier was NOT in a dark corner. It was directly beneath my front porch light, which is on all night, and has a motion sensor on it as well. The carrier wasn't totally visible from the street, you had actually come up and look to see what was under the blanket behind the small chair. So, this means that someone either: knew what was there and came and took it, or, came up on my front porch, stood in front of my front door, and stooped down to see what was under the blanket, behind the chair, and then removed it and walked off my porch. Oh yeah, they took the dish of cat food with them too.

    This is disturbing me to no end.

    This is not the first item that has gone missing from my front porch. Before I've had packages disappear, a wrought iron chair, and then a porch flag, pole and bracket removed from my one front porch post. The bracket had been afixed really well, and had the screws drilled into the post and was not loose in any way.

    What makes people so brazen that they just do these things?! I'm thinking of getting a video camera to use as surveillance on my porch (not that there is much of anything out there to take, but still!).

    I'm really getting tired of things being stolen, and how the people in my neighborhood are acting. Thanksgiving weekend I had my neighbor two doors up outside his house, rambling incoherently at midnight, and throwing boxes off of the other neighbor's front porch and yelling at them in their house (although they weren't home at the time... ). He was saying how he was tired of their garbage, and how he knew they were watching him, and then he goes on to say "PISS ON YOU! PISS ON YOU!!" and he PEES on their front steps!!! I was standing outside, and yelled at him, which made him pee all over himself, but geez!!!! He's a Vietnam vet, who has some issues, but for goodness sake!! The neighbors that he did this to were just floored, and had no idea what to say to him. I cleaned up their things that he threw off the porch and onto the sidewalk because I didn't want them coming home and wondering what happened and getting freaked out. I emailed them and let them know, actually.

    I just don't know what is going on here, or with society. I'm just shaking my head at it all. Back to the cat carrier and food, had someone come to me and said they just found a cat/kitten, and needed a carrier, and did I have any food, I probably would have helped them out, because that's just me. But to just take something that isn't yours, and to be so brazen about it, it's just really ticking me off.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Hmm, maybe write a letter to the local paper, and send a copy to the police. Shining additional light on the matter cannot hurt.

  3. #3
    I belong to a Neighborhood group, and I've made them aware. There are people on there who are trying to get everyone to have front porch lights on, because lighting up the block is a deterrent in itself. I'm the only one on my set of row homes who has a porch light on all night. It's extra money, but for the pennies it costs, I think they are worth it.

    I also report any thefts or destructive behavior to the police. They been cracking down on graffiti, drug and gang activity(they are all connected) but these other things just seem to get brushed under their rug.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Jenn, I'm sorry to hear this. It seems like nothing is safe outside your front door any more. I live in a security condo building and several years ago I hung a beautiful Christmas wreath on my front door which I had done at least 2-3 years earlier without any problems. My front door opens up to a hallway so it's very private to the outside world. I later noticed that my wreath had been stolen. I posted a notice about it on all 3 entry doors but I never got it back. Now I refuse to hang anything on my front door.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Wow...I don't know who could do such a thing.

    I remember mom talking about stuff being stolen when we lived in Dallas, TX (I was about 5) Someone stole my brother tricycle. And then (this one's worse) my mother had three husky's (one for each of the kids, I was about 2 this time so I don't remember them) and she let them out in the backyard to do their bussiness thinking it would be perfectly safe since we had a high-fenced back yard with a locked gate and our neighbors stole them! A few days later mom saw them with our dogs in the back seat of their car and they were driving away and then come to find out they were MOVING! So she's never saw them again.

    I really don't know what goes through these people's minds. Do they even have a conscience?

  6. #6


    Oh my god,!
    So cute!
    I love you.
    I have 2 dogs and one is in dog in the day called Chippy. Pls sign the page.!
    So cute again awww...,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Chippy
    Oh my god,!
    So cute!
    I love you.
    I have 2 dogs and one is in dog in the day called Chippy. Pls sign the page.!
    So cute again awww...,

    Ummm....I think you're a little confused about where to post that.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by sumbirdy
    Ummm....I think you're a little confused about where to post that.

    LOL... yeah, those were my thoughts too... it was a bit random.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    Jesh. Gone are the days when you could even leave your doors unlocked.

    My elderly aunt just called me tonight to tell me 3 of the 6 lawn-post candy canes her son put in the ground near her front door where stolen less than 1/2 hour later. Meaning, some fool had to walk up front steps, up a walkway, onto her front grass. And of course, it's broad daylight, and nobody sees a thing.

    I've been Boooo'd!

  10. #10
    Jesh. Gone are the days when you could even leave your doors unlocked.
    They are? Damn, hadn't noticed.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

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