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Thread: Bunnies..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!


    How long do Bunnies live?

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Some sources say 6-7 years, depending on the bunnies, but I read recently that some can live to be 9-10.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    O ok I was just wondering be cause my friends bunny is 13 or 14 years old and we thought they only lived to be like 5. Thanx Karen.
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA
    I teach a Bunny Basics class in Ann Arbor. Due to vastly improved nutrition information and advances in rabbit vet care, we say bunnies used to live 3-5 years, but that now a bunny living inside the home live 7-11 years.

    My rex girl is 7 and is very active and spry. We have many older bunnies at our sanctuary that range from 6-11 years old.

    Bunnies who live outside seldom do as well unless thay have exceptional housing. But even then their need for human interaction is usually not met.

    So, long life for a bunny depends a great deal on what the bunny is fed, it's genetic nackground. that it is well taken care of, lives inside and gets a lot of exercise outside of the cage.

    Hope this info is helpful.
    Mom to 9 wonderful bunnies and an energetic young cat from you-know-where.
    Bunny Basics educator
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Noah, Casey, Daisy, Marie, Velvet, Emma, Robbie, Chocolate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Yes it was thank you Daisy over. My freinds bunny unfortunitly has arthritouse or some kind of diesies in its back legs which makes her hop weird. She also has not been eating the last coupld of weeks so we are sure she will not be with us much longer. My friend's dad refuses to pay the vet bill to take her in though! So me and my frined are doing od jobs around the neighborhood hopeing to get enouh money to pay for what ever kind of vet treatment she needs. THe only problem no is we need a ride over. Her mom doesn't like the bunny so she won't take us and ehr dad thinks they should jsut get ride of it. So I think most likeyl we will pack her up in the pet carrer and make the hour long walk down to the vets office this week to try and help her bunny and if all goes well her bunny will be back to normal in no time. I love this bunny very much she is like my bunny to me. Everytmie I go over there me and my friend get her out and she will give you kisses and stuff she is so cute! I just love her to bits! So it will be very sad when she passes on .

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA
    Two things I can think of right away:

    What food has your friend been giving her bunny that now she won't eat? Pellets are not the best food for a bunny....they need dark green veggies (NO iceberg lettuce!!!!!!!) like romaine and red or green leaf lettuces, endive, dark green outer leaves of a cabbage (not the pale insides), parsley, dill, swiss chard, dandelion leaves, a limited amount of kale, mustard greens or turnip greens (my bunnies won't eat the mustard or turnip greens). They can also have a little bit of broccoli but not alot.
    A carrot with it's top is a great treat all bunnies love. They can also have a very limited amount of fruit....3-4 blueberries, or a tiny slice of apple, a strawberry..... Too much sugar can give a bunny wet, messy poo so be careful with the fruit. They should have unlimited amount of timothy hay to help their digestive system. Now I realize this all costs money but I think you should be aware of a proper bunny diet. It is a bad sign that the bunny is not eating and she really needs to get to a vet asap. Since the parents won't pay for the vet you might try any of the above foods and see if she will start eating again.

    Many bunnies get arthritis and manage to live a long life anyways. There isn't anything that can be done about it though. If the bunny can't move her back legs you will need to be especially carefull that she doesn't get bunny poo all over her back end. If she does, you need to give her a gentle bath to get it off. Use a very mild dish detergent like Dove or Dawn and be sure to rinse all the soap off. Use slightly warm water and make sure you dry her as dry as can be. Make sure her cage is kept clean too. The poo can draw flies which is very serious as the flies will lay their eggs on the dirty fur and when those eggs hatch they will eat the bunnys skin. I know this is gross but you need to know this as well.

    Maybe the best thing your friend can do is to try and find another home for the bunny. You might call your Human Society and see if they know of any bunny sanctuaries. There is a great web site, which is the House Rabbit Society. Somewhere in the site they have a list of bunny havens and I think there is one in Pennsylvania.

    I am proud of you and your friend that you care enough about the bunny to try and make it well. I wish you good luck. Think positive thoughts...bunnies are very sensitive and they will know if you are upset. Take care.

    Mom to 9 wonderful bunnies and an energetic young cat from you-know-where.
    Bunny Basics educator
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Noah, Casey, Daisy, Marie, Velvet, Emma, Robbie, Chocolate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Her bunny gets a vegtable mix. Lots of onion grass and always hass timothy hay. She called her vet and they told use the things to give her and you were right on everythign! He also said that is we can find transporation he will give us a free visit!! I lvoe my vet . We are goign to my vet and not her's well because he is giveing us a free apointment so I will ahev to fill out papers and things for her . But anythign to get our lil Samantha! She does live outside. On there porch. but gets free roam of the porch everyday and I coem over and play with her almost everyday . She plays tag which is so cute you get down on your hands and knees and touch her then crawl away she will hop after you and touch you with her nose then hop away! She is so adorable! I can't wait to get her better! O yea by the way my dog teddy and our camilion peaches has a vet apointment this thursday at 2 so we are hopeing to get her looked at then!
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA


    I am so pleased to hear that you talked to the vet and that you will be taking the bunny in. Be sure to thank him, I don't know of any vets in Michigan who would give a free treatment so you girls are very, very lucky!!!

    Good luck. Please keep us informed of how the bunny is doing after the vet visit. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
    Mom to 9 wonderful bunnies and an energetic young cat from you-know-where.
    Bunny Basics educator
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Noah, Casey, Daisy, Marie, Velvet, Emma, Robbie, Chocolate

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Wiht us have 13 animals we give he enough buisness that he said he is more then willing to give us a free visit. Oru vet isn't all about the money. he lets us pay our vet bills weeks later if we can't afford them at the time. Gee its a wonder he isn't poor, he will give free visits to people who can't afford there pets vet bills either that or he will give them a free visit and they have to work like 4 hours of service or something liek that.
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  10. #10
    (NO iceberg lettuce!!!!!!!)
    May I ask why ???? I never knew certian lettuce is not good for bunnie.
    ~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

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