I had posted only once before about my kitty being either angry with my children or our recent move. Well we noticed that he had started to get really thin. So we put all other financial things on hold and were able to get him to the vet. Well it was too late. He had some liver functioning problems and was very jaundiced. They wanted to get him to the emergency room and try to treat him and keep him in the ICU and such. We are by no means well off or remotely close we barely make it paycheck to paycheck. So after discussing this with the vet and the fact that even after all of the procedures and things that he would have needed he still may have passed away on his own. So we decided to put him to sleep. He would have been 11 in April and he has been with us since he was 5 weeks old. So it has been a very sad and difficult week. When the dr. gave him his medicine to go to sleep she didn't have to give him that much. She explained to my husband that when they are really sick it doesn't take a lot of the medicine to put them to sleep. So Tyler (the kitty) was very sick and not having behavior problems at home he was trying to tell us that something was wrong. I hope he is better where he is now. My family misses him very much everyday.
Thank you for your suggestions before and trying to help when we were having problems we used some of them and they seem to have made our other cat happier.