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Thread: Some good thoughts for my hubby...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada

    Some good thoughts for my hubby...

    I'm too tired and lazy to repost all the details...they can be found in my Dog General thread "lookie what I found". My hubby ended up in the ER last night with a head injury.

    There should be a safety glass window in the front of this tractor...breaking safety glass takes a pretty major impact and it is not recommended to do it with your HEAD! However, had he hit his head just a bit higher, the outcome would have been much, much worse.

    Imaging shows that he likely hasn't done any permanent damage. Thank god for that thick skull of his. He spent the night in the hospital and is still there. He's feeling woozy and nauseated. They might let him go this afternoon if he perks up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    OMG!!!! I am so glad he is Okay!!!! I worry about stuff like that all the time, since my hubby works in Construction. I am praying for a speedy recovery for your hubby!!!

    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Concordia Lutheran Home in Cabot
    Glacier, I have Pittsburgh thoughts and prayers coming your way for your husband. I'm hoping his injury head isn't really serious and that he is out of the ER real soon. Most of we guys are thick headed anyway!

  4. #4
    oh no! Your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers. ((((HUGS)))) please keep us updated!
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Thank goodness for good, thick skulls. He isn't perhaps part Swede, is he? He'll be in our prayers as well.

  6. #6

    The Stuart Tail ~

    Quote Originally Posted by Glacier

    Ok, more time for details now.....oh, where to start!

    Stuart was supposed to go back to work tomorrow in the mining camp, emphasis on supposed to! He was doing yard work today with a Bobcat(a small loader type tractor). I'm not clear on the details of what happened, but essentially the tractor tipped forward and Stuart's head went through the window. He suffered a massive laceration to his scalp and a concussion. X-rays showed no skull fractures and a CT scan didn't show anything major, but he took a significant hit to the head and that's always major. He's spending the night in the hospital for observation.

    While we were in the ER, one of the nurses overheard me say my name and came over to talk to me. His wife hadn't quite been able to understand the messages I left on their friend's answering machine. She speaks little English(she's a francophone). Turns out that the nurse and his wife were taking care of Milo for the local surgeon! They live not far from where I found Milo, but a long way from where he actually lives.

    In another weird twist, they are very good friends with my closest neighbors and provide daycare for my neighbors' youngest son. I ran home to feed the dogs while Stuart was getting the CT scan. Met my neighbor in the driveway and handed Milo over to her. The ER nurse was just finishing his shift when I got back to the hospital and was on his way to pick Milo up.

    Just for extra weirdness, Milo's actual owner has operated on Stuart--she did his last hernia repair! She actually told us a few stories about her dog while in pre-op! Milo is deeply loved and has followed her around the country as she has moved for her work! I have no concerns about him going back to her.

    Tehya has plenty of friends already, although I think Anvik enjoyed the break from being chewed on. Since the people who love Milo seem to all be connected to my world somehow, I am sure Tehya and her buddy will cross paths again!
    Next - from Cinder & Smoke >>>

    Hi God ~

    THANKS for not lettin Mr. Stuart *bang* himself up any worser than he did!

    Originally Posted by Glacier

    Stuart was supposed to go back to work tomorrow in the mining camp ...
    He was doing yard work today with a Bobcat ...
    the tractor tipped forward and Stuart's head went through the window.

    He suffered a massive laceration to his scalp and a concussion.
    X-rays and a CT scan ...
    He's spending the night in the hospital for observation.

    Wish he's just learn to get his hair cut like normal guys do - stedda gettin his
    "trims" inna ER.
    Iz he gonna have a "stylish" Zipper?

    And THANKS for arrangin the Return of Milo ... but it's kinda a shame poor
    Mr. Stuart hadda get beat up to send Milo home.
    Maybe we kuld figger out an eazier way to send messages?

    Tell Doc she otta add a 2nd number on Milo's tag - her 24/7 Message Service
    OR her hopsbittle office line ... one that answers 24/7.

    So, THANKS, God - for gettin Mr. Stuart fixed up; for gettin Milo back Home;
    and for not lettin Miz Tamara suffer a *stroke* last nite when Hubby kame in
    *leakin red stuff* all ober his head!

    Dat Gurl otta get a Ree-Ward for holdin up unner "adverse" konditions!

    /s/ the Prayer Pups


    Latest word from Glacier (Tuesday Morning) >>>
    Originally Posted by Cinder & Smoke
    So, how's ole Bump-Onna-Head Stuart doing today?

    Have they tossed him out of the hospital yet?

    Gotta wonder if this lil Bump-Onna-Head is going to interfere with the Gold Mining?

    My Guess - Notta Bit!
    He'll prolly check out the BobCat, park it, and finish packin for Up North.
    And he'll say the Cook can pull his stitches in 10 days.

    Ride 'em, CowBoy!

    He's still in the hospital as of 10am. (Tuesday)

    The doc is coming back at 1 and if he's not nauseated at that time, she'll discharge him.
    If he is, he spends another night.
    He's still getting IV antibiotics and pain meds this morning too. She told him this morning to expect post-concussion symptoms for up to a month.

    However, you're right Phred, it probably won't slow him down much.
    I expect he'll head back to camp within a week. There is a trained paramedic in camp so getting the stitches out isn't an issue. He's had enough stitches and we've taken enough out of the dogs that he could probably do it himself!

    The bobcat is going to need some work too! The window shattered!


    Poor BobbyKat!

    Sounds like BobCat needs a lil tender lovin care ...
    That'll keep Stuart occupied while his head stops *spinning*!

    Tell ole Ride-'Em-CowBoy that those BobCats all have either SEAT BELTS
    or a full SAFETY HARNESS --- that the Operator is "SUPPOSED to WEAR"!
    Let's BUCKLE UP! for the next ride!

    Much as we Joke ---
    We all Seriously Hope & Pray that Stuart starts to improve quickly;
    and gets his release signed ASAP!

    May the only thing that lingers be a memory of a Bad Ride!

    {{{HUGS}}} to the Cave Man and his Woman!

    /s/ Phred & the FurKids

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Alaska: Where the odds are good, but the goods are odd.
    I'm so sorry to hear about Stuart's boo-boo. I think he needs to come home for a few days for some kity and puppy-dog therapy! Don't think he's going back to work for a while.
    Ask your vet about microchipping. ~ It could have saved Kuhio's life.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Cinder & Smoke

    Tell ole Ride-'Em-CowBoy that those BobCats all have either SEAT BELTS
    or a full SAFETY HARNESS --- that the Operator is "SUPPOSED to WEAR"!
    Let's BUCKLE UP! for the next ride!

    /s/ Phred & the FurKids
    Thanks everyone.

    He was wearing a seat belt. He'd be in a wheelchair or worse if he hadn't had it on. He is extraordinarily lucky that he didn't snap his neck.

    Off the hospital now. Hopefully a good update in a few hours.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Wow that is awful, can't imagine how much that one must have hurt!

    Thank God he is okay and is going to be okay, sounds like he'll need some good time off from working for awhile.

    I will love you forever Bobo

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats
    Thoughts and prayers coming from Connecticut!


    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Chihuahua, Mexico
    same good thought from all the other side of the hemisphere........ glad it was nothing mayor mayor.... but as you said all head bumpies are to be taken in consideration......

    Stuart don´t be brave, take care of yourself, we know you might feel ok but please take care and take it easy dont´rush things...... your health is way more important.....step away from the vehicle.... 5 4 3 2 1.......

    besides you have like 35+ nurses 24/7...... lucky guy you are

    Tamara, hugs to you..... sending husky vibes to you and your crew....
    Corinna´s Christmas Card Swap ´06
    dedicated to a lovely woman who won many hearts along her life...........
    she will be deeply missed.......Thank you for letting us be a part of your life, you will surely remain in ours FOREVER........R.I.P. Dear Corinna

    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful dude that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

    notes-to-my-husband blog

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Glacier

    He was wearing a seat belt.
    He'd be in a wheelchair or worse if he hadn't had it on.
    He is extraordinarily lucky that he didn't snap his neck.

    How'd he get far enough forward in the seat to *smack* his head-bone?

    I only rode in a BobCat ONE time ...loading horsey poop in a spreader.
    GREAT PHUNN till I got a lil "careless" and tried to impress the crowd...

    I tried a Spin-In-Reverse turn with a full and raised bucket - a NO-NO!
    Quicker than you can say "OH, CRAP!" BobbyKat and I were both
    Face Down in horsey poop!

    The seat belt kept me inside the cab cage (it had NO front door/window) -
    but being tipped forward and TRAPPED gave me a severe case of claustrophobia ...
    After they tipped us back upright; I hopped out and turned Bobby back over to his owner -
    a much more qualified operator! ONCE was enough for me!

    Maybe Stuart should consider wearing a full-face NASCAR style Helmet!

    Hopefully you'll be bringing him HOME in a few hours!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I am sending prayers and good thoughts to your hubby!

    All things work together for good to them that love God.
    (Romans 8:28)

    I've been defrosted-- Thanks, Sana

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    Thoughts and prayers to Stuart!
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Deep-N-Heart of Tx && My Babie's Hearts
    Ouchcy Stuart.. So glad you will feel better soon.. Huggss & Prayers coming in from this direction..

    ~~~Thank You Very Much {Kim} kimlovescats for the Grand Siggy~~~

    [[ Furr Babies are Like Potato Chips **** No One Can Have Just One ]]
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    {{{{{Everyday is a Gift = That's why it's Called the Present }}}}}
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    <Sunsets are God's Reminder to Us That At The End of the Day We're All In This Together>

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