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Thread: HELP!! Bad on Walks!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    HELP!! Bad on Walks!

    I know dogs love to bark. Well, Duke won't stop whenever we go out. Every person, animal, tree or piece of trash we pass while out on walks he barks and howls so loud. People yell out their windows for Duke to shut up! He will never stop. And whenever he sees people, he runs after them and howls like he wants to attack them. Every dog we see, he howls and barks and pulls on the leash to get to them. I really need help!
    Thank you so much for my siggy, kittycats_delight!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    You need to retake control of the walk. Have you ever done obedience training with Duke? He obviously thinks he is in control of the situation. You need to remind him that YOU are in charge, and that he needn't notify you of every little detail.

  3. #3
    My cockapoo Amaya had this problem. She would pull so hard and go crazy whenever see seen anything! It was so annoying because I wanted to have her outside but didnt want people looking at me like I didnt have control. I ended up getting Amaya a shock collar. As horrible as it sounds, it works! Amaya now barks once and gets a warning level 1 shock and nows what happens next if she barks again so she stops and completely forgets about the thing she was barking at. I actually saw her get close to another dog last weekend! It does take time so be consistent. We havent had it for a month yet but we could definitley see that she no longer barks when people come in the house. She still barks at things through the window but it doesnt take long before she remembers. It usually takes a month before your dog learns and wont need the collar anymore. I bought it from Petco for about $45.

    I wont lie, its very hard to watch at first but you'll get use to it and see that she brings it upon herself. She wouldnt get hit with the collar's 3rd level shock if she would stop being so stubborn and stop barking on the first shock.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Had the same problem with my dog. After his jabs on his first few weeks out on the lead he was good as gold then out of nowhere he became a tazmanian devel! Barked at every car that went past and lunged at people in the street etc. He also started pulling on the lead around the same time.
    To help with him pulling on the lead i bought a halti which he now (at 8 months) walks very well on and as if by magic he stopped lunging at cars and people. As soon as the halti went on he has never eve3n attempted to bark and lunge at passing cars and people.
    I have no idea why this has worked but it has lol.
    Maybe as someone else has already said its taking back the controll

    Hope this helps in some way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Austria, Europe

    Shock collar!!!

    Not all roads lead to Rome, i think, but many do.
    When i read that someone uses a shock collar I must say that I feel petty for the dog that suffers from that. I can imagine very well that it works, that you get the effect you want but what is the price? Your dog must experience pain in order to learn his lesson. I doubt that he is very grateful for that.
    Of course we must establish ourselves as the leaders but I think there are better ways of doing so.
    I would train walking the dog at home, in the most comfortable surrounding. My dog must walk by my side and nowhere else (at least if he shows bad behaviour). As soon as this works well at home, I would go out and do exactly the same. Every bark should be ignored and every calm situation should be praised. If the barking gets worse i would stop. So your dog sees that there is no more walking as long as he is barking. I am absolutely sure that no shock collar is necessary for this. Maybe it works faster with it but I am sure that your dog is worth living without the pain and the fear of it.

    Please just consider working without shock collars and similar painful stuff!

    Thank you

    All the best

    Since every animal is unique, they deserve particular attention. (Linked)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Jack had a problem similar to this when we first got him, I hated taking him on walks (or anywhere around other dogs) because he would bark, cry, howl and try to pull out of his collar. He wouldn't stop no matter how much I tried correcting him or pulling him along.

    I quickly realized that he just didn't know the correct way to behave. We worked in the house on a "watch me" command (I could go into more detail if you'd like), and practiced multiple times a day. Finally when he was watching me reliably in the house we moved outside to "practice" and then the sidewalk, etc. Then in the beginning when we'd see another dog I'd have him sit and watch me until it passed or he calmed down enough to move on. Obedience training also helped IMMENSLY, we have taken 2 obedience classes and 4 agility classes, and now a year and a half later he can be in the same room with other dogs (or sitting right next to one) and I still have his complete attention, no more barking and carrying on.

    Good luck! It does/will take some effort on your part, but this behavior is definitely fixable!! (and possible even without the use of shock collars!!)

    Ashley & Crossbone ("mini ACD")
    Living with my parent's: Jack (Lab/Beagle), Micki & Mini (JRTS)
    RIP Kyra: 07/11/04 - 11/3/12; Shadow: 4/2/96 - 3/17/08

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