Hi Everyone! I had a crazy experience with my little girl kitty last night and wanted to know if anyone has similar experiences.
We had a regular Monday-I came home from work, fed them, played with them, then went to the gym. I came home and all was well. After my shower, I noticed my little girl was acting very odd. She was hiding and running away from me-she's usually at my side like my little shadow-so this was very very odd.
After a while, I inched up next to her, trying not to spook her with any loud noises but she still ran away. When i was finally able to get about arms length away from her she was so focused on something over my shoulder. There was nothing there... but whatever she was 'seeing' clearly had her very very spooked. She spent most of the night under the dining room table and then later that night (at around 2am) I woke up and realized she was under the bed awake. She usually sleeps with me on the bed and is out like a light.

Any thoughts? Similar stories??

This morning she was still acting a little off and wouldn't really let me hold her or be near her....