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Thread: Much Ado About Imus ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    indianapolis,indiana usa

    Much Ado About Imus ?

    I don't listen to his radio show & only know what I've read so far. I think
    he was grossly out of line for his comments & should definately apologize
    to the women players, but........ Why hasn't Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson,
    et al, spoken out as loudly against Rap music's denigration of women, black
    women included? Where's the fury about that?

    What do you think about it?
    I've Been Boo'd

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    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  2. #2
    Well.... from articles I have read... it seems he was making fun of what those girls had said themselves. Since when is "Nappy headed ho's" racist? i'm confused. But if it was something they had said about themselves and he was making a joke about that.... why does it have to be turned into a racial issue. To me... that sentence is NOT racist and should not be made into a race issue. Would it have been as offensive if he had been talking about a group of white women? I bet not.

    Of course I am also of the frame of mind that if it is socially acceptable for rappers and comedians to call white people crackers.... it should not be brought down on the "white man" for saying things in return. Racism is NOT only committed by white people and that seems to be a very common misconception by too many. Of course... every race and religion has it's fair share of a$$hats but I think this has been blown WAAAAAAAAAAY out of proportion.

    I also liked the part about possibly not accepting the apology..... what does THAT accomplish? They are just going to be angry for the rest of their lives? Accept the apology and move on with life.

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  3. #3
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    Feb 2003
    Well, in fact, Al Sharpton has been speaking out against sexism and violence in rap music for quite some time. Those statements just don't get the same amount of media attention.

    Here's an example from 2003, when Sharpton announced that he was running for President:

    "With his lightning wit, take-no-prisoners speaking style, and message that African-Americans need to distance themselves from the menacing image of rap music stars, he could become the Democrats' version of Sen John McCain of Arizona - with a stand-up comedian's touch."

    * * *

    "At the same time, he seemed to be telling fellow African-Americans to take a hard look at themselves, too. 'We got to correct the misnomer,' Sharpton said, 'that there is something hip and black about being down, about acting like a thug, about acting like a hood, about calling women whores.'"

    Sharpton's shock waves just beginning

  4. #4
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    Kansas, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by sparks19
    Well.... from articles I have read... it seems he was making fun of what those girls had said themselves. Since when is "Nappy headed ho's" racist? i'm confused. .
    Nappy headed is a term that used to be used to refer to African Americans because of their hair. I don't know where he got the "ho's" from.

    One of the reasons I stopped watching the View (even before Rosie's big mouth was on it) was because they called themselves "bi..hes" a lot!
    Lots of people have no respect for themselves so, of course have none for anyone else.

    This isn't the first rant Imus has done. I was channel surfing one day and he was really going off on one of the over weight men on his show.
    There is just NO EXCUSE for name calling.
    What are we, are country of 3 year olds?
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by momoffuzzyfaces
    Nappy headed is a term that used to be used to refer to African Americans because of their hair. I don't know where he got the "ho's" from.

    One of the reasons I stopped watching the View (even before Rosie's big mouth was on it) was because they called themselves "bi..hes" a lot!
    Lots of people have no respect for themselves so, of course have none for anyone else.

    This isn't the first rant Imus has done. I was channel surfing one day and he was really going off on one of the over weight men on his show.
    There is just NO EXCUSE for name calling.
    What are we, are country of 3 year olds?

    I have also heard nappy headed as a term to refer to anyone with wacky hair.... or a bad hair cut.

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    columbus, ohio, usa
    for don imus to make fun of public figures is one thing. for him to make cruel jokes at the expense of 18, 19, 20 ,21 year olds who have done an extraordinary thing is just wrong. these women are college students, and private citizens not politicans or newsmakers. their evident toughness, skills and grace under intense pressure was an amazing thing, and for him to damage their moment in the sun for a tacky joke is shameful. these women are doing what society asks, achieving academic and athletic skills to a very high degree, and yet, for don imus, that isn't enough. they look scary to him, so he needs to cut down their sucess. he did wrong and it's a shameful thing in my opinion
    joyce who has princess peanut, spokesdog for the catpack, mojo, magic, kira and squirty, members of the catpack, angel duke, a good dog who is missed and angel alex the wonder dog, handsome prince.

  7. #7
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    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Quote Originally Posted by sparks19
    Well.... from articles I have read... it seems he was making fun of what those girls had said themselves. Since when is "Nappy headed ho's" racist? i'm confused. But if it was something they had said about themselves and he was making a joke about that.... why does it have to be turned into a racial issue.
    I would sure want to see that aritcle you mentioned about making a joke
    about themselves. Please provide a link to support that.

    Also, I've never heard or read the words "nappy headed" used in any context
    except for a black people's hair in it's natural state. (not processed or relaxed at all).

    Thanks CatsinDenver for pointing out Sharpton's comments. You are
    probably right about these comments not making big news with the Media.
    I've Been Boo'd

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    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by lizbud
    I would sure want to see that aritcle you mentioned about making a joke
    about themselves. Please provide a link to support that.

    Also, I've never heard or read the words "nappy headed" used in any context
    except for a black people's hair in it's natural state. (not processed or relaxed at all).

    Thanks CatsinDenver for pointing out Sharpton's comments. You are
    probably right about these comments not making big news with the Media.

    well.... if you have never heard nappy headed used in any other way then i must be wrong right?

    I have heard the word nappy used in many different ways by many different people.... although I don't hear many white people use that term because... well we just sound silly when we try to talk like that lol but I have heard it used in reference to white people... black people.... oriental people... whatever.... anytime they had a bad hair do... or just frizzy hair in general. I often have "nappy" hair and have been told so in the past by a friend in high school lol and I am the whitest woman on earth but I have frizzy hair at times. It also means diaper

    As for links.... I don't feel like searching.... I don't even know where to look and I am not sifting through pages and pages to find news from days ago. This is only what I saw the first day this came out a few days ago. I just don't have the energy or determination to do the searching.... so we will just say I am wrong. I don't care enough about this story to do the leg work lol to be perfectly honest. I just think this is a story blown way out of proportion and getting more press than it really deserves. He said he would apologize.... they don't want to accept his apology... end of story. Not newsworthy for an entire week

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  9. #9
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Their issue, Sparks, was not that they didn't want to accept his apology, but that initailly, he DIDN'T apologize, or explain, or say anything other than he shouldn't have said it on air.

    Not that he shouldn't have called them prostitutes (ho being "short" for whore) because they were women, or black women, or scary because they are black women ... and commenting that 'they have tattoos" as being scary - has he checked with any other college students of any race and gender lately to see how common tattoos are these days?

    Lizbud didn't say you were "wrong" - don't be so quick to take offense. She said "I've never heard or read the words "nappy headed" used in any context except for a black people's hair in it's natural state. (not processed or relaxed at all). " You and she live in different areas and are of different ages and backgrounds - so have likely heard different things than each other, right?

    It's not a term I ever heard growing up, but I have heard it more in the years I've lived close to a big city, Boston.

  10. #10
    He said nothing worst then rappers say in their songs. It's not what he said I believe it's where he said it. Black rappers call woman ho's all the time, talk about how they want to rape, murder, strangle, beat, gang bang their ho's. You can't have it both ways. If black rap singers would show respect for their wives, girlfriends etc... Other people would as well. Young black woman deserve respect and kindness. They need to stop buying records from artists who depict them as nothing but a sexual tool. Respect comes from within. I would never refer to a black woman as a ho and I would certainly not take it from one either.
    What Don Imus did was wrong, but it he said it to a beat with a heavy base he would probably have a hit single on his hands now.

  11. #11
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    Florida, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Marigold2
    He said nothing worst then rappers say in their songs. It's not what he said I believe it's where he said it. Black rappers call woman ho's all the time, talk about how they want to rape, murder, strangle, beat, gang bang their ho's. You can't have it both ways. If black rap singers would show respect for their wives, girlfriends etc... Other people would as well. Young black woman deserve respect and kindness. They need to stop buying records from artists who depict them as nothing but a sexual tool. Respect comes from within. I would never refer to a black woman as a ho and I would certainly not take it from one either.
    What Don Imus did was wrong, but it he said it to a beat with a heavy base he would probably have a hit single on his hands now.
    Well said. I don't agree with what Imus did and don't support it. However, there is such a double standard going on here, as stated above. Is it okay for black people to refer to each other this way but white people are strongly criticized for it?

    I think we need to ask Bill Cosby what he thinks about it.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  12. #12
    I used to have so much respect for Bill but the last couple of years he has been accused of drugging woman and then having sex with them. A sad finish to a brillant career and a great man in other ways.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Chicagoland, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by Marigold2
    He said nothing worst then rappers say in their songs. It's not what he said I believe it's where he said it. Black rappers call woman ho's all the time, talk about how they want to rape, murder, strangle, beat, gang bang their ho's. You can't have it both ways. If black rap singers would show respect for their wives, girlfriends etc... Other people would as well. Young black woman deserve respect and kindness. They need to stop buying records from artists who depict them as nothing but a sexual tool. Respect comes from within. I would never refer to a black woman as a ho and I would certainly not take it from one either.
    What Don Imus did was wrong, but it he said it to a beat with a heavy base he would probably have a hit single on his hands now.
    Unfortunately, that is one of the this country's double standards. It's ok for rappers to say nigga, bitch, ho, etc., but if someone who isn't Black says it, it's considered racial slurs. Thank God I was brought up to never use those words.

    Using the "N" word doesn't have the same connotation as if someone of non White decent were to call a White person a "cracker." The "N" word just has so much more negative association with it. There's just no comparison. And I don't speak of the "N" word as rappers use it. I mean the full out "N" bomb.

    I personally think his comments were way out of line. And not just this time. He has that shock jock, Howard Sternish air about him and he's said stuff like this in the past. It just goes to show that there is still so much racism in this country. It makes me sick.

    What bugs me the most is that MSNBC has just now announced that they are pulling his show. Not because of the things he has said in the past, but because major companies are threatening to pull their endorsements of his show. Sounds like they're doing it for the wrong reason if you ask me.

    Edited for spelling.


    "Ladies, we need to stop comparing men to dogs. Dogs are loyal!" Wanda Sykes

  14. #14
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    Florida, USA
    Deb, several major companies have already pulled their endorsements. I was reading it on CNN earlier.

    Marigold: I was remembering the profound statements Bill Cosby made to the black youth of America a few years ago. Telling them to stop making excuses and get out and make something of themselves. It is true that accusations have come across about him since then I can't remember the exact stories and the outcome.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  15. #15
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    Jun 2000
    I have never watched or heard Imus before. One night years ago I tuned in Larry King and he was filling in for him. I changed the channel. I find so many people on TV, and on the radio, insulting that to me it seemed like just another jerk shooting off his mouth. I personally just don't watch or listen to them. (Side note: I have no idea why people find Howard Stern appealing. )

    I am more offended by the fact that he called them *Ho's* (sp?) That reflects on someone's character. Whether or not they were nappyheaded, though it was a statement meant to inflame, doesn't bother me at all. I think it is a women's issue more than a racial issue. JMHO How about Big Mouth Rosie O'Donnell making comments about The Donald's hair? That all quickly went by the wayside. I feel that if a big thing is made out of something it extends the life of the event. This event with Imus is getting way too much attention. People like him and others who just want to inflame and incite will always have their listeners. We all have a button we can use to turn them off. That's what I would do. Though my hubby thought it a nasty thing to say, his first comment was "what happened to free speech?"


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