Ok, I know this is dumb, but can they?

I had mine removed a few years ago, but it feels like there are teeth coming through again back there?? I remember how it felt when my wisdom teeth starting to come in. My gums were sorta sore. That's how it is now. And there is little white marks on my gums like maybe teeth coming up?? I think I heard something about some kind of molars that come in after wisdom teeth? Not very often, but it happens. Do you think this is the case? I seriously will die if I need to have MORE teeth out. I know it's so dumb, but I was terrified about my wisdom teeth. I even cried in the office when I went in. (I sort of have a fear about stuff being done to my teeth and I don't know why) I really hated everything about it and was so thankful it was done for good. *SIGH* If I have to get 4 more teeth out...that will put the count to 22 teeth for me (being pulled out)

I'm sorry this is so dumb. But I needed the vent...