what would you do?

Would you wait til it was "time" and put them down at the last minute? Would you let them die peacefully on their own? Would you Put them to sleep befoe the disease could progress to the really painful part?

Nicki's been losing weight the past few weeks, despite eating normally and today I found a rather large mass on her stomach, hiding right behind her largest fatty tumor. The thought of cancer jumped into my mind and before I can even get her to the vet, I wonder how I would handle it if I were told it IS cancer, and she'd only have a limited life left.

Part of me never wants to put her down. I cried myself to sleep a few weeks ago thinking of that day. Another part HATES the idea that she could ever be in any type of pain, and that part says if its terminal to just make her end come sooner rather than later... sooner so she could die in peace now - before the pain set in and makes her last days with us a blur of pain.

Of course, hubby tells me I'm over reactig and that Miss Nicki will be with us for a good long time.