My friend has called me about her cat, Punkin, who has suddenly developed bumps on one of his ears. Punkin is almost a year old, neutered, but is an indoor/outdoor cat (not MY idea!). He has gotten into a few scraps while exploring the big outdoor world, and she says that these bumps do not seem to indicate a fight. She says the insides of the ear are fine, just some bumps on the outside... like poison ivy! Can a cat get poison ivy? She says he is not itching, and is not acting any differently than usual, except that he is more velcroish! Punkin is a long haired orangie, and we were also wondering about sunpoisoning? Could that be a possibility? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. She is trying to avoid another vet trip, but will take him in if the advice on here suggests she do so. Thanks for your help.