I've always enjoyed dog sports. But because of the Pit Bull Ban I cannot play frisbee or teach Cyrus to jump WAY out into the water. So I was thinking about doing those Towing matches. Do they harm the dog? I know the dog will only do it if he wants to, I just want some options I can do with a muzzled dog. He needs a sport as hes stupid hyper & running about isn't cutting it for him. The sport will also teach him dissaplin, hes a good dog, just hyper to the point he can't sit still (I swear hes on crack!).

Cyrus is a VERY powerful dog & quite fast too. I know hes smart & really starting to respect me. To get anything from me he has to sit & be alert, & he's learning that I get upset when he jumps up on me, but I love him when hes sitting & stairing at me. This stupid Ban is Ruining my first chance to Really work with a smart, fast & powerful dog.

Any help would be great